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------->SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER!!! For those of you dying for an update here you go! My summer has been packed with activity memories and great people to fill them with! As most of you know, I have been dating Pat an absolute match to my whacky sense of humor and love of gab and music. We've been on a trip to Saugatuck, MI and met Colin Hay of Men at Work after his fantastic concert. He's also introduced me to the world of sailing which I'll tell you at first I wasn't sure i was going to like....but now I wouldn't miss for the world! Just make sure I take my dramamine and I'm good to go, haha. He also has let me teach him about the world of the Cubs, and embraced, I think I'm really lucky with this one! In June My family went on the Klug family vacation to Disney World in Orlando.....never again will I let this one happen. I don't think I'll ever be able to look Buzz Lightyear in the eyes again. People don't let people go on family vacations over the age of 16!!! And I'm still working for Coach and loving it. They treat us great and to have a store that actually has structure and is able to run based on a real business model not stress...holy crap what a concept! So...there is the "summer so far" update (ahem Kelly). Pictures are still coming.------>Spring is on its way ~ well I would like to think it is anyways. Even though we keep having 20 degree days (and I'm boycotting snow) the smell of baseball, flowers, and cleaning are on it's way. My birthday is around the corner and I'm trying to plan the annual birthday cubs game (any takers-ladies let me know who would like to attend this year!) My nephews are growing by leaps and bounds and just way to fast for me to keep up, but they always keep me smiling and laughing regardless of any situation. For those of you not in the "know" I have started dating again. Go ahead give a cheer, I did! Haha, yes its funny I know. Not much else is going on for the quarterly update, but I'll update as need be!

Whooo~ Black Friday was an experience, now I have worked MANY of them in the past...but none at midnight on Thanksgiving. I know that this type of customer is "special" ha! that is an understatement. I was the door control for majority of the first few hours and hey...I got my TV debut on a few different networks (since a 7 mile back up was at the entrance to our mall, and our store had @ a 2-3 hour wait) mom was so cute about it, i seemed a little mortified looking back. I had to turn away people trying to pay to cut into the line, and women using their babies as bate to get in the door. Seriously,it was an interesting 13 hours.It's now fall and am looking forward to sweater weather! However, I am not looking forward to darker mornings and colder nights! At least where I work can be blindingly well lit so I don't have to worry about ASD. Can't wait to start taking pictures for a new slide show...Kelly I need some assistance from you here! Get your butt up here! And the girls from work I am sure will be great to add to the page as well!>Just a collage of memories of good times!

I have been through a pretty rough year in '06 leading into '07, so starting fresh is the outlook in my eyes for now! The insight I have learned about myself has given me the opportunity to learn how to change patterns/behaviors that have been...well let's just stay a representation of my past! As for my friends and family they are the most supportive people around and I couldn't ask for a better group! Onto bigger and better things...Ok, so there are some of you that can't leave well enough alone so to appease your interest in you go. I love my life- my family, friends, nephews all make my circle complete and without them I wouldn't be who I am. I don't regret anything I have ever done, because at one time...I really wanted to be doing it or thought it was the best thing ever! Whether or not it was in my control, well that's another story. Laughter is the essence of who I am, those who really know me know what I am talking about, and the fact that I truly think that I am the funniest person I know makes it even more hilarious. Cackle Cackle, Laugh, Witchy sound, Snort...if you get that more power to you for knowing me! Other than that I am the girl next door, the kind of friend that loves to be there when you need someone, a speed talker, and a great listener. And a huge Chicago sports you couldn't tell. Oh...and I cannot forget to mention my poor Tikers, my kitty that has endured move after move she is my trooper (besides the bitch from New York) and I love her to death!
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My maternal grandparents...I never got the chance to meet them (they passed to young and to early)and from what I have heard they were wonderful people that I would have been blessed to be around, Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney, Abraham Lincoln,Oprah....oh yea, I forgot to mention how about a good man! Is that to much to ask for? Ha!
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What is it about relationships that scare a person...ok more specifically me?  It doesn't matter whether it is friends, intimate, family, work etc.  they all seem to be stressful situations....
Posted by on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 09:37:00 GMT