The king of Terrors profile picture

The king of Terrors

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

For twenty One Years I have dwelt upon this planet. Twenty one years Nine months and 28 Days as of the writting of this. Lived amongst you humans.
I came here with a reason, this I know. But Somewhere along the way I lost my meaning, lost in these human thoughts and blinded by this humanity.
I Live here amongst small minded self serving termites we like to call the human race, where they are racing to they may never know. But if there wasn't a loser people wouldn't be interested now would they?
Time and time again I ask myself questions... Questioning everything. Have you ever pondered the meaning of life? Tried to find a hidden truth? Learned something new about yourself and found hidden cracks in reality? I have.
People are too caught up in themselves to relize that there is more to life than a bright shiny mini van or SUV And a huge morgtage.. owing their soles to people they will never meet.
Did you trade in your insight and self knowledge for a big car and a match box home in a small suburban area surounded by people you will never talk to? Let alone really call your Nieghbors?
I didn't.
I came here with a purpose, a purpose I must refind and re-resolve myself to Complete.
Will you help me remember, or will you help me forget? Pure Layouts

My Interests

Well let's not be too general about this section shall we? I like to paint, sculpt statues out of clay, collect anything weird and unusual, scare people untill they scream and or pee their pants. I also L.A.R.P. {live action roleplay, think the rennaisance festival on steroids.} Reinact, build weapons of mass destruction such as the trebuche, also known in medieval times as the warwolf perhaps the only seige weapon capable of hurting a flaming s.u.v. half a mile. build props and halloween costumes, examples may be seen above and below. Current projects include The throne of bones, {what king is without his throne?} skeleton coffee table, skeleton end table, eight foot tall grim reaper costume and a twelve foot f.c.g. don't know what a f.c.g. is? take a look below for an idea. mine however is going to be a twelve foot evil skeleton where this one is about foor foot and a half and definitely not evil. And of course, coming soon to a computer near you. TERRORVISION, we put the terror back in television. A dark comedy about God, life, and bad luck. Staring, ME The king of Terror, I have survived eons only to discover that lifein the twentieth century isn't all it's cracked up to be. release date unknown. also I do not think halloween should be "kid friendly" this is the time that we cull the weak from the strong, go ahead and scar the kids for life it's going to happen anyway let them get it over early enough that when they are jetisoned into the world they are used to bieng "abnormal". I also enjoy archery and sword play, make my own armour and love to watch jousts. I go to the renaisance fair as often as possible, but didn't get to go this year. I also attend DRAGON CON every year I can, once again did not get to go this year. It's ok next year will make up for it, I promise. {evil grin} Check out my art gallery at the bottom of my profile.

I'd like to meet:

Looking for people to be in my army of TERROR! Any able bodied individual with any hatred for the things that are wrong in this world should join me in my crusade to rid the world of excess idiocy.


Click on the ankh, learn something about yourself.I love all music, minus rap and country.{ technically msi and icp are rap but I like em any way.} umm favorite band is/isnt rob zombie. / isn't because alot of his new stuff is crapp.i like mindless bable as much as the next guy{or gal}; but damnit! just chill out over there with the illegall stuff rob. I mean what the f*%$ !? she is the butcher she wants the air? she hides the scars under her hair? WHAT?!? Any way back to reality. I like it all.{ for the most part.} and i will be happy to talk about it, just dont expect a treatise on the social ramifications of DOPE on todays youth.{dope is a band for those of you out of the loop left scratching your heads.} currently on a bit of a Rammstein fixation tho.


HORROR! woo blood! vincent price,bruce cambell,dep,burton,the nightmare before christmas,the evil dead 1 2 3{aka the army of darkness} GIVE ME BACK MY HAND!!!! and others too numeruos to list.


I dont watch; {telivision}. used to. But one day I was watching a comercial and forgot what I was watching"what was I watching?" I thought " I don't know but it was good!"" a voice in my head said. I then bolted upright and actually threw the tv out the front door. Making sure that it got broke. But i still love scooby doo,dexters labratory,pinky and the brain,and to tell you the truth i got a thing for pheobe and wllow.{technically this has nothing to do with tv but I LOVE FOAMY!}


I love to read however i have not had time to do so in a long time. terry pratchet is at the moment my favorite author. I read alot of horror and fantasy, I also like scifi that makes you think. anything occult and anything interesting...


heroes? how about villains? SKELLITOR! that preying mantise from space ghost, and anybody who has ever said the sentence,"If it weren't for those medeling kids!!"
Would you like one of my banners to add to your profile? Just pick one of these wonderfull full colour completely two d pictures and tell me which one you want! I'll send it over to you a.s.a.p. {please note, we cannot be held responsible for delivery time. Once it leaves the land of Terror by myspace parcel post it is in their hands. We suggest buying the optional insurance so if your banner comes warped crushed scratched dented or in anyway mutilated by a myspace ERROR you will be covered, please do not leave negative feedbacks if your banner comes a little damaged.}Any donations to improve my myspace wil be greatly apreciated.THE END {or is it?}poisoned by your creed kill the faith to cure the sickness down on your knees prove to me you'll die for your beliefand when I purge all the morals you breed to be clean to be clean for the coming collapse of your dream your scattered bones will build my effigyand in the end when I've turned your lives to dust and obliterated every trace of you from my mind I'll be free to make this world my owndon't cry to me, this is what you want this is what you asked for this is your prophecy and I've come to see it through

My Blog

Top One Hundred Things I will do when I become Evil Overlord list. PT.2

I will not order my trusted lieutenant to kill the infant who is destined to overthrow me -- I'll do it myself. I will not waste time making my enemy's death look like an accident -- I'm not accou...
Posted by The king of Terrors on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 06:22:00 PST


I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with their head and w...
Posted by The king of Terrors on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 03:00:00 PST

My myspace buds are the shit.

You know sometimes I get things that just make me smile, like the responses I get to blogs, the complements on my page, the constant friendship some of you give me, even if it's just because you want ...
Posted by The king of Terrors on Fri, 04 May 2007 08:06:00 PST

The Top 100 Things I'll Do When I Become The Evil Overlord

..> The Top 100 Things I'll Do When I Become The Evil Overlord 1.My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear plexiglass visors, not face-concealing ones. 2.My ventilati...
Posted by The king of Terrors on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:05:00 PST

Joharis window

Click on the link and then pick five or six diferent words that you feel best describe me. The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping perso...
Posted by The king of Terrors on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 03:18:00 PST


There is a beautiful princess trapped in a castle, guarded by a dragon. Here is the end of the story with different kinds of metalheads as knights.well I appear to be right down the middle of two of t...
Posted by The king of Terrors on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 09:00:00 PST


ok here's my question; why? why do we hurt the ones we love and why is it ok? why do we act rude and mean,why do we hate it when people act like we do back? why do we need someone to care? why do you ...
Posted by The king of Terrors on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 12:06:00 PST