I like stuff and things ...but mainly stuff .... and my name is Aireon .
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Classic Rock......my favorite band of all time is The Beatles . I dig Frank Zappa alot. when Im not diggin on Classic Rock chances are Im listening to (or spinning ) Drum and Bass.
good ones... Id say my all time favorites are ... Star Wars (of course) , Alien 1&2 . Scarface , City Of God , Pulpfiction (Pretty much all the Tarentino films) , Four Rooms, Old School , Zoolander , Snatch , Lord of the Rings trilogy, Boondock Saints , A Clockwork Orange , FULL METAL F'ING JACKET, Dr Strangelove , Predetor ( GO NOW .... GET TO THE CHOPPA ) .... lol... theres a few
I hate most TV except cartoons made for adults and Educational TV .
1984,Animal Farm, Ravenloft , Dragonlance, Forgotton Realms.... yeah Im a nerd at heart.
my dad and my Fiancee