~*Shay Shay*~ profile picture

~*Shay Shay*~

Shay Shay

About Me

...Whats goody ppl...iits

Shantequila Woodard

...All u need to know iis that iima down south counrty glamor chiick who all about FOOD LOL...nah but liiviing liife iis whats more important to me!! ii love all my homiies.... My god siista


she my maiin homey's a true niigga who ii know wiill hold down wheneva ii need her

Stephanie Carter

iis one of my glamor chiicks who don't giive a ({BEEP}) bout haters!! and then we got my BFFLZ...damn ii love these chiicks:

Jessi Pooh, Doll Baby, and C^2

they got me down whenever ii need em ii could NEVER lose friiends liike em ii love ya ladiies even though doll baby not n thiis piic sow-wiie and iit's me agaiin ({and NO ii aint beiing conceiited lol}) My brother

Bit ({Darrian Price})

and hiis maiin chiick...ii love thiis boy wiith all my miight...

darrian darrius and tree

wiill ALWAYS b my famiily regardless of the miisunderstandiings that we've had stay fresh pumpkiin!!

My Interests

My siista


stay on top of her game...when ii thought ii was losiing all of my pals ii turned to her even when ii barely knew her...she had my back then and stiill to thiis day I LOVE HER CUS SHE'S STILL HERE ii love ya sweetheart never 4get that honey my niigga


iis pretty much one of my top notch glamor chiicks ii love ya liil bunchy!!!

I'd like to meet:

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?Shay N Derry?
When did u and Derry hook up?? OCTOBER 1, 2006
Do u love him?? With all my ? HEART ?
Why do u love him?? he makes me feel tender inside like no other guy. he makes me smile when im dwn i knw u get the picture!!
Does Derry love u?? Yeah
How do u know?? He told me and plus i can feel the tension between us and i tell 4rm when he holds me
Do u believe he's the one 4 u?? yeah
Are u the one 4 him?? yeah
Is this love true?? ? OF COURSE ?
Deezy... Babii!!
BIG... Deezy!!
Shake That... Azz Deezy!! **mah babii can dance LOL**
Take yo ass... HOME!! **mah babe always say that shit**
Lil Mizz... Deezy!!
Cheated?? Nah
Lied?? Nah
Hurt Derry?? Nah
Kissed Derry?? DUh
Held him close?? all the time
Cryed over Derry?? once...it slid out!!
Disrepected Derry?? Nah
Cheated?? Nah
Lied Yeah
Hurt u?? Yeah
Cryed ova u?? Nah...i dnt think
Disrepected u?? Nah...not 2 mah face!!



Full Name: Shantequila S. Woodard
Date of Birth: September 30, 1990
Age: 16 now...yeah iim young playa
Birth Blace: Charlotte, NC
Home Town: Queen Ciity
Nick Names: Shay, Liil Shay Shay, Liil Biit, Etc...
Zodiac Sign: Liibra
Three Words To Describe Me: Sweet ((@ Tiimes)), Friiendly, & Young
Person: My Mommy
Food: Chiicken ((Chiicken Nuggets))& Seafood
Singer: Gerald Levert & LUTRHER VANDROSS
Color: Piink, Yellow, & Green ((w/ a smiigg of orange))
Movie Genres: All...Well except **porn** GROSS
Movies: SHREK, anythiing on liifetiime & The liitle Mermaiid
Music Genres: R&B, well basiically ii liike SLOWJAMS ((Oldskool)) ((Rock & Roll)) ((punk))...Totally dude'
Bands: Marron 5, Daughtry, Aviirel, etc...
Songs: Giirlfriiend, ((anythiing 4rm Gerald & my man Luther))
Stores: Aeropostale & Forever 21 & Body Shop ((YEAHHH BOYY!!))
Brands: ii dnt have a favoriite ((ii love em all))
Sports: Cheerleadiing, Track, EATIIN, Danciin, & steppiin
College Football Team: dnt have one...ii dnt know the 1st thiing bout football ((even though ii cheer 4 iit!!))
Pro Football Team: Same Answer Buddy
College Basketball Team: dnt have one...ii dnt know the 1st thiing bout Bball ((ii know wiierd huh!!))
Pro Basketball Team: Same Answer My Dude
MLB Team: What iis that?? lolz
Ice Cream: Vaniilliia duh
Candy: Skiittles, now & laters, & sunflower seeds ((if that counts))
Soda: NONE!! ((i driink iit but ii love orange juiice 7 apple juiice))
T.V. Show: Kyle XY, Liinclon Heights, liittle mermaid ((iim a chiild @ tiimes))
Place To Be: mall
Animal: Cats ((iim scared of dogs...well except taylah))
Past Time Memory: camp thunderbiird...lol iim haviin flashbacks!!
Food: ii totally answered that already...((ii 4got soul food...u gotta love iit))
Shoes: Sandels...ii dnt really liike my feet closed iin
Shirt: any shiirts w/ words on iit & collar shiirts & summer shiirts
Jeans: all buddy ((but iima have ta go w/ my whiite giirl jeans))
Purse: biig liitle tiiny small ((wow...I should've just saiid ALL huh lolz))
Hair Style: Up due, CRIIMPS, miicros, doobiies, & flat wraps
Book: anythiin sexual ((ex: true 2 the game))...u get the memo
Author: ii dnt have one iin partiicular ((sow-wiie))
Vehicle Make: HONDA
Family Member: siister ((we do everythiin 2getha))...sow-wiie granny & mommy
Subject: Fashiion & Math
Piece of Jewelry I Own: a beautiiful necklace my mommy bought me...((ii love iit))
Rough OR Easy: Rough ((then agaiin easy b/c ii aiin't no freak!!
Sexy OR Beautiful: Beautiiful ((all sexy one's diis u...iit's the beauiiful soul and heart that counts))
Boys OR Girls: boys, chiicks tlk 2 mich partna
Money OR Love: love, iim defiiniietly NOT a gold diigger
Singing OR Dancing: both sorry ii cnt compare
Tall OR Short: dosen't matta (( jus not as short as me))
Hot OR Cold: Hot
Drinking OR Smoking: Driinkiing orange juiice
Looks OR Personality: personaliity ((somewhat looks b/c ii cnt b datiin bombs))
Winter OR Spring: well ii would perfer fall but ((spring))
Fall OR Summer: fall...iit's not to hot and u sleep better iin the raiin!!
Pizza OR Hamburger: Piizza
Hot Chocolate OR Cappucino: Hot Chocolate
Rain OR Sun Shine: Raiin
Burger King Or Taco Bell: Burger kiing
Pepsi OR Coke: neiither ((ii hate dark soda's))
American Eagle OR Hot Topic: ameriican eagle...((hot topiic a liittle too much 4 me))
Radio OR T.V.: televiisiion
Soda OR Water: Water
Chocolate OR Vanilla: OMFG ii already answered that
Day OR Night: Niight ((party tiime))
Mommy OR Daddy's Girl: MOMMY"S LIIL ONE...((sow-wie dad but she beat u by a TON))
Ocean OR Lake: Ocean...((soo peaceful @ niight))
City OR Country: ii dnt really care...((we all on earth))
Crotch Rocket OR Four-Wheeler: four wheeler ii guess!!
Car OR Truck: Car
Fishing OR Hunting: neiither sow-wie
Beer OR Liquor: niither
Pearls OR Diamonds: diiamonds
Lip Stick OR Lip Gloss: liip gloss
Heels OR Flats: both pal
Perfume OR Cologne: perfume...((ii hate the smell of cologne))
Moutains OR Beach: beach
Pale OR Tan: ii dnt know...ii never really thought about iit
Blonde OR Brunette: BLACK...((but ii'd have 2 go w/ the brunette's...blonde too diingy
Book Smart OR Common Sense: common sense
Crayons OR Markers: markers
Manicure OR Pedicure: both hun-nay
Heaven OR Hell: HEAVEN ((ii worshiip lord hun))
Desk Top OR Lap Top: lap-top
Donate Blood OR Hair: neiither...((ii would go w/ blood but iim terrifiied w/ needles & plus ii dnt weiigh enough))
Wine OR Champagne: dnt know
Morning OR After Noon: afternoon
Home Phone OR Mobile Phone: mobiile...((u cnt TXT on a house phone...but ii use iit when my phone diie on me))
Speed Boat OR Party Barge: Party barge
Highlights OR Dye: neiither...iima jus stiick w/ the sandyred
MSN OR Yahoo!: YAHOO!!!
Call OR Text: txt
Thunder Storms OR Rain Showers: Raiin showers...((u sleep better)) ((iim scared of thunder))
Cat OR Dog: cat
Fish OR Lizard: fish
Victorian OR Modern: umm...
Hook-Up OR Relationship: relatiionshiip
Love OR Lust: love
Had A Boyfriend: duh!!
Been In A Long-Term Relationship: yeah
How Long: 4yrs
Been Engaged: naw ((he bought me a riing))
Been Married: naw
Had Kids: nada
Had A One Night Stand: naw ((ii dnt contaiin to sexual iintercourses))
Drank Alcohol: naw
Got Drunk: chriistiians dnt do that
Smoked Cigarettes: nada
Got In Trouble With The Law: nada
Broken Someone's Heart: naw
Been Heart Broken: yeah ((but now iits all bout PAYBACK **jamez**))
Been In Love: yep
Been Loved: yep ((ii thiink, cause iif iit were love he wouldn't have broken my ?))
Been Dumped: yep
Dumped Someone: yep...((ii diidn't mean no harm ii just wasn't ready 4 the commiitment & he was))
Been In A Fight: chal boo...have ii?? yeah chal
Beaten Someone Up: or so they say!!!
Been Beaten Up: HA...back iin my old days!! ((but thats what got me hard liike ii am now))
Lost Your Virginity: naw dude
Played Any Sports: yep
Been On A Cheer Or Dance Team: and u know iit ((both pal))
Been To Another State: yep
Been To Another Country: naw
If So, Where: ???
Lived In Another Country: naw
If So, Where: ???
Been On A Cruise: ii wiill on june somethiin...or maybe iit was july somethiin!!!
Been On A Plane: nah ((when ii go to flordiia 4 the cruiise...iima b scared))
Been On A Helicopter: naw
Been To The Emergency Room: yeap
Needed To Have Surgery: yeah
Lost A Close Relative: yeap...(RIP GRANDAD ROB))
Lost A Pet: yep...((my mommy ran my kiitten over)) ((& gave cat away whiile ii was learniin))
Been To A Fraternity: naw but ii was inviited
Been To A Sorority: iima giirl playa
Skipped Class: yep ((9th grade)) ii was a newby ((what u expect??))
Failed A Class: naw ((too smart 4 that))
Skipped A Grade: naw ((ii aiint even that smart pal))
Failed A Grade: naw ((too smart 4 that buddy))
Climbed A Tree: never that!!
Climbed A Roof: naw
Kissed Under The Stars: yep ((flashbacks ??))
Kissed In The Rain: yep ((awwwwwww ??))
Made Love: naw
Cried Yourself To Sleep: yeah ((but iim over the tears))
Laughed So Hard You Cried: yeah
Been Depressed: yeah
Broken A Bone: yeah
Chipped A Tooth: naw
Had A Crush On Someone Older Than You: naw
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: naw ((ii dnt thiink))
Been Liked By Someone But Didn't Like Them Back: all the tiime chal
Fought With Your Best Friend: yeah ((rat rat))
Been Truly Happy: yeah ((always))
Bought A Car: naw
Bought An Apartment: naw
Bought A House: naw
Been To A Concert: yeah
Been Back Stage: yeah
Been On A Tour: naw
Met Any Bands: yeah
Been On A Diet: naw
Been On A Diet Pill: ???
Been Anorexic: haha ((close to iit..iim jokiin))
Been Bulemic: Heck naw
Been On Television: yeah
Been On The Radio: yeah
Height: taller than me
Hair Color: doesn't really matter ((but ii'd perfer black))
Long OR Short: doesn't matter
Eye Color: doesn't matters
Younger OR Older: older
Sweet OR Caring: both ((iit takes both to please liil shay shay))
Sensitive OR Loud: sensiitiive but bold
Hook-Up OR Relationship: OMJ ii recently answered that
Wonder If He's The One: to love me riight & uncondictionly!!
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My Blog

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I Wish

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