Watch Me Grow
The Early Years
I bounced into the world in December of many years ago. Followed behind me came 2 brothers ((Bear&&Matty)) and my sister ((Maggi)) . We have the BEST mom in the world! Of course with so much greatness going around we had to have a monster thrown in the mix, but we survived, and are stronger than most families could ever dream. As A r m y B r a t s we were able to live in some pretty cool places such as Alaska and even Germany for a little while.
The Awkward Years
I spent these years in good ole A d r i a n . I was your classic 'Goodie-2-Shoes' . The perfect teenage daughter, I didn't drink, smoke, have sex. Nothing like that. Most of my time was spent at church and with my youth group. Summers I was either at a camp or a CIY conference! Fun times those were. Were it not for my Youth Group ((and of course GOD!)) then I doubt I'd have survived my teen years. My aunt helped tremendously! I moved in with her at 17. She's always had unfailing faith in me and in what I'm capable of doing...she pushes me.
The Growing Years
In this time I got married, my 2 beautiful nieces ((Nat&&Em)) were born, I got divorced and the monster was removed from my life. Wow, that was about 8 years of my life summed up into one sentence. I can honestly say the best part of those years were Natali and Emily. I couldn't be a prouder aunt. I had a short stint in college here, just one semester. Someday I'll finish..and change the world!
The Happy Years
And here we are to the present. Present ...such the perfect word. Kevin has given me more joy than I know how to share. He has 2 great children who make me smile everytime I think about them. Kelli&&Travis are wonderful kids, I'm not their mom...but I love em as though I was. Kevin also, gave me Graci. She's in heaven, but still a very strong presence in my heart. Sometimes I think that everything I went through was only in preparation for my life with Kevin. God Blessed Our Broken Road!
The Here And Now
I guess you could say what we learn from our day to day experiences are what counts. We're gonna make stupid choices. Life's gonna hurt sometimes. But it always has a point, and it always leads us to where we're supposed to be. We just have to pay attention and let it take us. God won't give me more than I can handle, and he'll help me through what he does give me!
I ♥ You Kevin Lee