DOZA profile picture


it will be a great day when all the schools have all the money they need, and the AIR FORCE is havin

About Me

hey what up my names chris but thats one of the many names my friends call me CHUCK,MENDOZA,DOZA ect... i love to cook ive been in the bizz for 6 years...i was the sous chef at moorpark country club then i made the choice to go to school and get my culinary art degree now im done with school and im juss chillin right now livin life day by day......It happens on a random Monday. Coming back from an event or late on a Sunday night, right before you get on the plane and your about to be frisked for the third time. Your driving...your flying....your sitting in an airport seat with boys from the team. Your drinking stale coffee trying to stay awake. Your explaining a fat welt on the side of your neck to a confused stranger or a best friend.....or running through the sidewalk at LAX trying to catch a plane. Your coming back to the other life....the one without paintball. Where no one understands why you do it....your tired....working off little sleep and a question creeps up and you try to ignore it. Why do I do this? Why the travel? Why the losses? The missed work...the missed school...hours of practice and the complaining girl friend....because the lure of living a paintball life is just to potent and the products of the road, the travel, are memories forever and trips and strange lands with stranger people. At tournaments it feels like for once you get to live as loud as you want. Its worth the sacrifices....its worth all the bullshit. Because if you work hard enough, a Sunday will roll around and you'll be in the huddle...screaming.....with your hand among seven playing for the world title and suddenly all those clichés you've ever heard make sense and you are defined. You say it to yourself and it means everything, I am a paintball player and this moment right here is my life..." i also been playing paintball for years now and since my accident i stoped playing well i juss got back into it and i got picked up for ROCKSTAR factory team ROCKSTAR ENERGY DRINK ..
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SPONSORS Rockstar Energy Drinks
Planet Eclipse

JT Paintball USA

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California Paintball Park




dont whatch much tv i rather be whatching a movie........but u need to check out espn 2 on sat@10 5on5 paintball


most of all my grandma she was always there for me when i needed her.... if it wasnt for her i would not be were i am now... she got me into cooking u know how grandma are u go over to the house and ever time she cooks dinner she makes enough to feed an army... it was always the best home cook meal i ever had and the best thing was i stayed at my grandmas house alot...i would be in the kitchen right there with her trying to help as much as i can of course im sure i wasnt much help when i was younger more like just in her way but it was fun..... Status Icons

My Blog


Gracefully time ticks away!Moments together I knew wouldnt stay!Precious memories that elude my heartI knew I had to give you up, right from the start The good, the bad, the uniquely inclinedA love l...
Posted by CHEFDEEZE on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:35:00 PST

b`day party at the rustic inn !!!!

Posted by CHEFDEEZE on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 05:41:00 PST