About me! Wellllll, there's really not a lot to say I guess! I'm LT... as most people know me, lol... I'm 20 and I'm a sophomore at BBCC where I play volleyball and softball! Right now it's softball season, I love springtime, yippety skippety! :) Sports have been my life forever, and hopefully next year I can continue playing them wherever the wind might take me... I love volleyball, basketball, softball, and tennis, but volleyball is my favorite!* I live in Mo-town in a house with three other awesome girls: Kort, Kal-Pal, and J. Whit! I love those girls to death, but I can't forget my other roomies Mal and AD, I will miss those girls when they leave. I also have the BEST boyfriend in the entire world, Brian Robert Biagi, he is AMAZING and makes me so happy. :)♥ I also have a little broski, ET, who is 17 (almost 18, yikes!) and I love him very very much. Anyway, that's about all there is to know. I would say ask if you want to know more, but to be honest, I probably won't answer.
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