Our Sesame Street Terror Level is currently:
Music. Movies. Snowboarding, computers, guitars, skateboarding, mountain biking. Keeping my first aid kit stocked just in case I have a problem with any of the above. Oh yea. Forgot the geek stuff. Video Games and Star Wars.
Tom Waits.
J.R.R. Tolkien.
Douglas Adams.
Albus Dumbledore.
(Doesn't say anything about being real, or alive...)
Roger Waters
David Gilmour.
Fat Mike (wait, met him and he's a pompous ASS).... Greg Graffin, to see if he is too. The Dalai Lama. Keira Knightley, Jessica Alba, Milla Jovovich, and Angelina Jolie, preferably all in a hot tub with a case of champagne. And.. uh....
NOTomLedPinkMorphineFloydWaitsFXZeppelin. To name one. I like music that doesn't suck. It'd be nicer if there were more of it...
erm... this could get long, so.... screw it, I a LOT of movies. I love movies. I swear I will put something real in here someday...
The Lord of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Rings Galaxy.Writings and Lectures by Alan Watts.
DNA, JRRT. And Stan from South Park, 'cause he learns something in almost every episode. Tom Waits, because anyone who times their live show using a bottle of Jack Daniel's has just _got_ to be in this section. And Yoda.