My Blog
Im speakin my dam mind no matta wat yall say...
People think dat dey can say wat dey wanna say, but I got news fo dem....ha...Ima say wat needs 2 be said, n if dey don't like it...., so be da fukk it...ya feel me yall....When I say my shit...i...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Wed, 28 May 2008 09:16:00 PST
Lame azz nobodyz..especially bitches! real shit!
Wut is wrong wif dese bitches? I jus don't fukkin undastand why they think they can do or say any ol' thang...but read dis...I don't give a flyin fukk who she is or wuteva, she'll get bitch snakked..f...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 10:46:00 PST
March muthafukkin madness...
Welcum 2 da muthafukkin March madness...finally can we get sum nice weather? Snow is makin me wanna not leave my house til da leaves on da trees bloom, ya dig? Yall don't wanna visit Pa, cuz dats all ...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 11:07:00 PST
Happy V-Day 2 all my special peepz
Wus good peeps, I shouldn't even put dis blog up in hurr, but I'd like 2 say Happy Valentine's Day and make dis day special 2 U N ur luv ones, if yall don't have a luv one...I'm sorry, aint g...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:47:00 PST
Nassy ass hoes..
Nassy azz hoes, I swear...sukkin mo dicks than U suck ya man's...just plain nassy N a ho...Why, why, why, do bitches do such thangs...Is it cuz their man don't do it da way U wanna, so U gonna do it e...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 07:56:00 PST
Bad things happen 2 good people
Why does bad things happen 2 good people for no particular reason? Well people, something scary happened to me on New Yrs Eve when I met a stange man from the chatline called VIBE. We spoke a few time...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 06:21:00 PST
HO, HO, HO...
HO, HO, HO.....Merry Xmas....erryone wants sumthin...but me...who knows....take a wild guess....a muthafukkin male ...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 12:59:00 PST
I aint time fo dis myspace shit...
When da hell R yall gonna get tired of myspace? Shyt, I am...cuz it's worse dan AOL, ya dig! I'm not undastandin yall at all...but it's cool..cuz Ima stay my distance...nuff's really fo kids...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:31:00 PST
Not 2 day, shit, cant seem 2 be myself!
I don't fukkin know why I haven't been myself lately, but it's botherin me like a muthafukka, yanno! I don't know wuts wrong wif me, but sumthin must be done about da situation, maybe talkin 2 sum1 an...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:32:00 PST
Back 2 school peepz, Im ya new teacha
Ur class assignment on myspace is 2 find out who's ya fukkin real friends and who's fake in ya neck of ya woods, fo real....Then cum 2 me and say well, I'm ya friend, I've been there fo ya? Well keep ...
Posted by *Who's Ms. Hottiepants?* ~Yep, dats me..Ms. Os on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 09:59:00 PST