Hi my name is melissa livingstone ,
i enjoy going out down middlesbrough
corner house is good on a thursday and arena
on a saturdayy wooop i also drink very large amounts of alcohol as i like to get rele drunk
i live in coulby newham woo TS8 MAD DOGZ lmfaooo
Im 19 .. 20 in august not looking forward to it at all
i wnt be a teenager any more how upsetting is that.....
lifes doomeedddd !!
i love my mates all them i work with at maky ds andi also love my lovely friend sarah shes my bitch haha and im the father of her baby sophie see i have the bigger cock so im the mann haha :P loveee youuuuuu x x x x x!!
hate ppl that love themselfs and think there gawjuss argghhh frustrates me as they think evry1 else is beneath them ... they go out to pose and act sensible and flirt i go out to be silly and end up looking a tip at end of the night of corse and to have a lil flit i dnt no how these girls who think there mint go out n stilll luk normall at end of the ngiht its not righttt !!!
i work in maky ds ova coulby the crak there is mint haha ! i work to play basically as evry1 will no who i work withh i think thats why am on ma last warning but ohh well who cares ... how funny getting sackd from maky ds and it does happen guysssss lol
well im gunna love yas n leave yas ... love my mates yano who yas aree wooop wooop mel livooo mateeeee
Are ya livoooddddddd nad