About Me
Name: Flare Kasai
Facts:The original
Likes: I like makeing people happy and spending time with my loved ones
Dislikes:I dislike evil people who shamelessly kill for no reason.
(ooc: I wrote this story myslef, if you steal this info I will kill you XDD)
A long time ago, when the world was made of magic, there came a time of darkness. This darkness consumed all, bringing death and despair in every breath. The people of earth forgot how to be happy, everyday bringing sadness and pain. They forgot there hopes and dreams, they forgot about love. A man with great powers began to control the lost world, for he was the one who unleashed the curse setting the world to doom. He used his demons to force his law on others, he was the essence of death, and thus was his name. God did not wish for his beautiful world to be destroyed, so he sent some angels in to beat back the darkness. The humans were so clouded by darkness that even the angles could not pull them out of the darkness. They sat together forming a plan, as they set off at dusk. They found a phoenix, giving it a human shape. It took the form of a beautiful girl, with great powers. The phoenix represents life, it hatches from a reddish egg, only when it receives a owner. They become life partners, like brothers or sisters, and the phoenix shall only die when its owner does, if it is slaughtered, it is born back form it’s ashes. Its tears have healing powers, curing the deepest of wounds, and it has amazing light and fire powers. The girl that was created had all the same powers of a phoenix, she had the beautiful wings of a phoenix as well. She had all the emotions of a human as well. The angles gave her the power to grant wishes, her only reason for being born was to grant the wishes of people, to save them form the darkness, to protect earth no matter what. With this being said, she went to kill the man named death, is was a gruesome battle, but the phoenix girl won, the sky cleared and everyone’s happiness returned, the world went back to it’s normal life. The phoenix woman found love, and had a child. She had all the powers of her mother, and served the same purpose that her mother had, she received the job and her mother began to teach her as soon as the child learned how to walk. This baby’s name was Flare Kasai, the phoenix wish maker. They found a way to hide flare’s wings, so she could walk among humans. She had red hair and eyes, making her look like fire its self. She is a kind and caring person completely devoted to her job of saving the world and helping people with there dreams. When she was young, her family moved to a village surrounded by a huge dessert. She meet a boy there by the name of Gaara, they became great friends, and fell in love. A few years later Flare had to move, receiving a bear from Gaara, as a never forget present of sorts. Gaara haunted Flares mind, she couldn’t seem to forget him and vowed to meet him again one day. As the years past by, she convicted herself that Gaara had forgotten her, and hated her. Ten years later she meet a man called lee who saved her life sorthly after he proposed to her. On the day of there wedding they began to talk, it turns out that they missunderstood there feeling for each other, they were like silblings, a evil man came in and kill Lee and flare’s parents. Flare was devastated, and shortly after ran across Gaara., not knowing it was him. They agreed to go after the man that killed Flare’s parents, and seceded in killing him. Though that adventure they became verry close and fell in love. Gaara confessed that he knew that it was Flare all along, which shocked Flare, as she didn’t know at all. They got in a relationship with each other, and though they have had some rough times, they have been together happily. (ooc:that is a breif summary of what has happend on myspace as well, a lot has happend between flare and gaara, that was not put in this section because it was to personal)
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♥-Satus- Taken, and In love with Gaara♥
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