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I am here for Friends

About Me

Erm.. what can I say about myself.. ermm.. ok.. Here goes.. I'm a charming guy, happy go lucky kind a person, smart, cute huhu.. aper lagi ehh.. korang mesti benggang giler kan baca part nie.. Actually the real thing is I'm a simple guy really, and an easy to get along guy.. Most of the time I like to play games, hang-out, masuk hutan kuar hutan, do adventure stuffs and such.. ada berani? meh arr dekat...LOVEMYFLASH CODE
/LOVEMYFLASH CODEErm.. what can I say about myself.. ermm.. ok.. Here goes.. I'm a charming guy, happy go lucky kind a person, smart, cute huhu.. aper lagi ehh.. korang mesti benggang giler kan baca part nie.. Actually the real thing is I'm a simple guy really, and an easy to get along guy.. Most of the time I like to play games, hang-out, masuk hutan kuar hutan, do adventure stuffs and such.. ada berani? meh arr dekat...

My Interests

Erm.. I like to hang out, jalan-jalan carik makan, lepak-lepak, merempit around (since moto tak der naik kete la plak) and do whatever aktiviti-aktiviti yang sihat.. huhu.. I also into tech stuffs (you know computers, cars, handphones, electronic stuffs), sports and movies very much.. kalu ada movie pasal Tech & Sports lagi arr best.. Layan...

I'd like to meet:

Saper pon aku tak kesah as long as you're sincere for friendship. It'll be cool if you guys wanna hang out together for movies, camping ker or anything.. Owh.. bagi sesaper yg tgh tensen atau putus cinta or tunang, kucing mati dan lain-lain yang sewaktu dengannya.. hurm.. I can be ur great companion.. you'll be safe with me.. cayer la..View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics

MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODEEveryone I say Anyone or anybody is free to signup and be my frens.. insyallah tak kan ada yang reject applications nyer.. huhu.. so, I'll catch up with ya'all soon!


Owh.. Music ehh.. Erm.. Any music is fine by me.. kadang-kadang tengok mood aku gak.. Tapi kalu mood x btol.. dangdut dgn hindustan pon aku leh layan.. huhu.. But most of the times I like R&B or POP songs or aper saje la HotFm pasang.. layan jer...


Sejak dua menjak nie dok kat Shah Alam dah rajin layan Movies.. aper saje yg baru kuar kite layan... Especially on wednesdays.. huhu..


Aiyoh.. aku jarang tengok TV maa... kalu kat umah mak aku ada astro.. citer-citer macam C.S.I, A.L.I.A.S konfem tak leh nak miss..


Erk.. Sem nie kene baca buku Arab.. dah ler aper ustaz ajo aku tak baper paham.. tensen btol.. huhu..


Eh.. Mak dengan Ayah aku arr.. saper lagi.. nanti tak dapat gaji maa.. hehehe..