*Things I like*~
Unicorns, music, clothes, black, sparkly things, spiky things, shiny things, studs, stirpes, pirates, my made up words,tattoos, piercings, nicknames, having fun, martinis, bikinis, sun, sand, palm trees, my bed, my house, my parents house, sleep, food, hair,gum, pictures, summer, florida, hot weather, hoodies, flowers, going out, concerts, late nights, cuddling, inside jokes, text messages, cell phones, fashion, my car, new bands, new songs, asking questions, clean rooms, disco balls, purple
shoes, tekno (my cat), my family, my friends, boyfriend, reading, books, the Tyra show, make up, eyeliner, dark hair
my Monroe, purses, cream soda, sushi, pickles,
getting dressed up, bubble baths, board games.~* Things I don't like*~
back stabbers, poop talkers, spiders, snakes, game shows,
reality shows, drama, smoke, drugs, slow drivers, onions
sluts, nextel, guns, knives, things that hurt, bugs, being bored, fake people, cold weather, cramps, working out, being hungry, storms..