Our aim at AnxietyPanicSupport.com is to offer members more than just a room to meet and chat with fellow sufferers. We hope that we have combined all the information and help needed to find out everything there is to know about anxiety disorders, without having to trawl through endless internet sites.
Here you will be able to chat to other people who will understand the problems you are going through.
You can also post on our Bulletin Board and also join our Picture Site, so that you can put names to the faces of the members of the Chat Room, or visit our games link to play some games to distract you from your anxiety.
We have links to give you information on relaxation skills, deep breathing and advice on the best books to read. You can also find out information on crisis resources for the Country that you live in.
We have weekly Topic Chats in Room 2 of the Chat Site. These are aimed specifically at particular anxiety disorders and last for one hour each week. If you click on the Yahoo Groups link on the main page you will be able to sign up to join one of these Chats.
Whatever anxiety disorder you suffer with, there will be something on this site here for you.