I'm not into video games, so if you send me those requests for me to join your gang or whatever i'll ignore them.the few select games i will play while enjoying is- grand theft auto, max payne, mortal kombat, and of course star wars. other than that i find video games pretty manotanus irratateing and rather repaulsing.
I love to play my guitar.When i was six i learned my first three chords from my father. I kinda lost interest because he made me play in front of everyone of his friends and our family,but secretly i played when he was not home and i played those same three chords every single way i possibly could.Then i learned bar chords just before meeting up with Lou St Paul in 1991 only forgo my learning in the theory of music.
Now Im fortunate enough to play in a metal band called Shatter Messiah . We have two albums out right now called Never To Play The Servant and God Burns Like Flesh they came out on a German label called Dockyard One.
I also have many other projects in the works, and i also fill in for bands live or jump in as a studio guest for bands sutch as H.A.T.E., Kill Procedure, Mortifera
Im in a metal band that needs a new name , altho we were once known as Grinch and Blown Denial. We have a few names in mind, but for now no need to rush we still need new material before we decide on that.
I also have an old school thrash project named GRAVEL and sofar we have a a short demo recorded using a drum machine. All we need is a real drummer for a live band in order to rip the face off the universe with psychotic headsplitting brutal thrash metal.
i was also in ex-crash music recording artist nde for 2 anda 1/2 years.ive sucessfully toured twice with them in the US and played all over the United States with them.
Ive been lucky enough to be main support and just support for sutch acts as...Winters Bane, Mushroomhead, 216, Athiest, Dope, Beyond Fear, Into Eternity, Sanctity, The Heavels, 13 Faces, Brickbath, Single Bullet Theory,Man Made Man and so many more great bands. Ive also been really lucky to have played with Lou St. Paul in his band Kill Proceadure.
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