The Emerson Review, formerly The Scribe, was created at Emerson College in 1953. The literary publication's format has changed many times in the years since its inception, though it has remained an outlet for Emerson College students to both publish their work and learn how to run a literary magazine.
Recently, The Emerson Review has expanded its scope and become a publication in which anyone has the capacity to be published. Control of the publication remains in the hands of Emerson College students, and Emerson students are still welcome and encouraged to submit their creative work, but now The Emerson Review is happy to accept work from writers and artists throughout the country.
In the past, The Emerson Review has published established writers from the Emerson community, including Alden Jones, Peter Jay Shippy, Kathleen Rooney, and Gian Lombardo. Other notable contributors include beat poet and novelist Charles Bukowski and comedian (and Emerson College alum) Denis Leary.
The reading period for our 37th volume (to be relased in April 2008) begins September 1, 2007 and ends January 31, 2008.
All submissions and inquiries should be sent to [email protected], though any submissions sent before our reading period begins (or after it ends) will be deleted.
Submissions must be sent as Word attachments (.doc) and must be accompanied by a cover letter which includes the author's name, address, phone number, titles of any previously published work and where they appeared (if applicable), and the genre of the submission. The Emerson Review accepts short fiction, nonfiction (including all subgenres), short stage- and screenplays, and poetry, as well as photography and all other forms of visual art. Visual art submissions should be sent as JPEG attachments.
The Emerson Review 's official Web site.
The Emerson Review on Wikipedia
The Emerson Review on thefacebook