I LoVe MuSiC...like the SonG saYs ...MuSic it makes Me FeeL so GooD..early in the morNiN'...
PeoPLe who are goiN' to have a good EveRLasTiN' aFFecT on Me...the ReSt is hiStoRY..
I LOVE MUsIC...aLL kiNdS oF iT *Aceyalone, Kool Keith, Common, LOOK DAggERS, 2Mex (The Visionaries), HieRoglyphiCs, SouLs oF MisChieF, CyPreSS HiLL, PsyCho ReaLm, NoN-PhiXioN, ZioN I, Jedi MinD TricKs, The Liks (Alkaholiks), DiLated PeoPles, The Roots, Mos Def & Talib (BlackStar), LiVinG LeGeNds, SeLfScieNtiFiC, the ShaPeShiFterS, ImmoRtaL TechniQue, KRS1, HanDsoMe BoY moDeLinG scHooL, The PharcYde, DeaD PreZ, Wu-TanG ClaN, GangstaRR, DeLaSouL, Tribe called Quest, LIVE RADIO, QuaSimoTo, Madlib, J-DiLLa, SluM ViLLage, DrDre, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Lauryn Hill, PRINCE, Mary J. Blige, Amel Larrieux, Goapele, SaDe, Floetry, John Legend, Musiq SoulchiLd, Dwele, BiLaL, Bob Marley, BuJu Banton, GreGory Isaacs, SiSteR NaNcY, BaRRiNgtoN LevY, Matisyahu, DaMiaN & StePheN MarLey, MANU CHAO, OZOMATLI, SaNtaNa, War, TieRRa, MaLo, Ralfi PagaN, El ChiCaNo, Quinto Sol, BuRning StaR, SySteM of A DoWN, Rage AgaiNst The MachiNe, InCuBuS, SuBLiMe, PoRtiSheaD, unkle, the CURE, DepecheMode, the Smiths, the BraVerY, Cafe TacuBa, ENaNitoS VerdeS, La LeY, JaguaRes, JulieTa VeneGaS, AleJandra GuZman, ViceNte FernandeZ, RaMoN aYaLa, JuaN GaBrieL (I can't help it!..I love'em), FraNk SiNatRa, BiLLy HoliDaY, MarViN GaYe, Al GreeN, BreNtoN WooD, BeTTy WriGht, the GaP Band, ParliaMenT, JameS BroWn, The BeatLeS, The Eagles, the DooRs, JaNis JopLin, JiMi HendriX, BuffaLo SprInGfieLd, Bad ComPaNy, CHaMbeRs BrothErs, EriC B & the Animals, BlacK SaBBatH, Led ZeppeliN...anD sooo MaNy moRe...
BeaT StreeT, Krush Groove, BeLLy, Y tu MaMa TaMbiEn, ReaL woMeN haVe cuRveS, AmoRRes PerRoS, MoToRcyCLe DiariEs, MaRia FuLL of GraCe, SPUN...PreTTy iN pInK, PrEttY woMeN, BreaKfaSt cLuB
*****Miami Ink*****, THe SimPsoNs...anD I'm a REALItY TV juNkiE LOL!!!!!!!
I read a lot of books havin' to do with my CuLtuRe...or written by Latin Authors....Chicano Literature...love to read about people in History who have been considered "political threats" (Che Guevara, Malcolm X, Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa...etc...)
LaLo...you LiVe througH me, as I liVe througH you... RIP ****and My MoM...for being the stronGest persoN I knoW...and for alwaYs beinG there, No Matter whaT...