martha washington, john lennon, the inventor of sliced bread, bush so i can give em' somethin' he lost, henry ford, hannibal lecter, cheney so i can push his turds in, and various anonomous people.
Name:: cade gornick
Nicknames:: corn cowboy
Birthday:: july 21 1982
Current Place:: I fuckin RAQ
Zodiac Sign:: cancer "that doesnt mean i have it"
Play Sports:: floor hockey
What school do u go to:: I.E.D. university
Hair color:: blonde-ish
Straight, Curly, Wavy:: yes i'm straight...wait uh...
Eye Color:: blue
Height:: 71"
Weight:: 165
Best Physical Feature:: well thats up to you
Piercings:: none
Tattoos:: none
Label yourself:: i i have ink all over myself, thanks.
Food:: i love it
Color:: i can only write in black and white....stupid
Drink:: i love to, but right now i cant.... and my favorite is all of them
Ice Cream:: fish food
Sport:: hey...tiger
Football Team:: well i geuss the vikings .... ouch
Song:: it would have to be american idiot
Candy:: id rather have a stick of gum
TV Show:: commercials , a.f.n. commercials
Movie:: tombstone
Book:: em' dano'
Alcoholic Beverage:: yes please
*This or That..
McDonalds or Burger King:: chilpote'
Good Kisser or Good With Hands?:: kisser
Make out or Cuddle:: you can do both
Abs or Ass:: the whole package
Pepsi or Coke:: coke, diet
Up North or Down South:: north hence minnesota
Kisses or Hugs:: xoxoxo
Laugh or Cry: i sometimes laugh so hard i cry
City or Country: outskirts
Love or Money:: i spent all my money on love
Fantasy or Reality:: fantality
Rap or Country:: country i geuss, wheres all the options?
Night or Day:: both
Big Mac or Happy Meal:: whopper
Prep or Emo:: neither
Quiet or Loud:: loud
Lips or Eyes:: eyes
Blonde or Brunette:: doesnt matter
Boys or Girls:: excuse me i think they prefer ladies
Sunny or Rainy:: sunny
Family or Friends:: one in the same
*In a Boy/ Girl..
Favorite Hair Color:: not picky
Favorite Eye Color:: hazel or blue or brown
Height:: doesnt matter
Most Important Personality Trait:: that they somewhat like me
Goody or Baddie:: ohhhh yeah...
Looks or Personality:: both
Sexual Orientation:: i orientate towards women
Ever Been in Love:: yes
With whom:: a woman....i told you already
Ever cried over a boy/girl?: like a hermaphrodite
How far have u gone?: home
Wanna get Married?: yes when its time
Wanna Have Kids?: yes
Ever been cheated on?: yes
Ever had your heart Broken yes
Are you still friends with ur Ex's:: some of them
Define the word LOVE*::
*Do you believe in..
God:: yes
Miracles:: yeah
Sex before Marriage:: yes please
Heaven:: yes
Hell:: yes
Soul Mates:: yup
Love at First Sight:: i think i love you.....
Ghosts:: yes ...ahhhhh what was that!!!!?
Horoscopes:: not really
Kissin on first Date:: yes
How many times a day do u brush ur teeth:: 2 or 3
Do u smoke:: sometimes mostly cigars
Drink:: yes, but i cant now ( deploymenst suck)
Do u get along with ur Parents:: of course
Are u spoiled:: no
Are u a bitch/ Asshole:: i dont think so , mutha fu#*a , just kidding
Ever been muddin:: yes
To a Car Show:: yeah
Truck Pulls:: no
Tractor Pulls:: no
Own a pair of Timberlands:: what!!??
Most missed memory:: being in minnesota
Whats ur obcession:: staying intact and coming home
Have any Addictions:: yes
Whats your biggest downfall:: im too easy, not that way....well
Are u honest:: i tell the truth sept when i lie
Know how to drive:: fast and through the blast!!!
Do u think u are attractive:: you tell me
When is your bed time:: when i fall asleep
Are u a Party Animal:: i like too.
What do u wanna be when u Grow Up:: a grown up
Whos your best friend(s):: i dont have enough room(s)
Have any Regrets:: no
What annoys u the most:: peole that just dont catch on
Are u usually a Happy Person:: yes!!!!!!