Addiction - Take everything in moderation / Justice - not enough of it / Radio - eases my mind. Beer - Red Horse Beer. The best beer I've tasted. / Cool - 67 Shelby Mustang / Kiss - the hottest band in the world / Saturday - not as exciting as it was in H.S. / Laundry - I don't wash my own. Its actually fun when you do it in a laundry mat / Drugs - legalized Marijuana. / Toys - sound systems / Ecstasy - Never did it. never will. / Mobile phones - good invention if used properly / Ugly - politicians / Videos - needs improvement in the Philippines. / War - is stupid / Xanadu - got no idea / Yahoo - a good portal / Zen - what a lot of people should practice / God - God is everywhere / Hell - Earth is hell. / Internet - kills my boredom. / Nightlife - zero / Opera - Josh Groban. Nice voice. / Pornography - not everyday / Quit - Never.