I love drawing, art, and writing. I love sports so If there's a good game on, give me a call and we'll head to the bar to kick a few back. A good environment with good people can never be a bad time! Im a country gal so I gotta throw in some fishing and camping. And yes, I put my own worm on my hook. Baseball (Placido's my man!!!), basketball, football and occasionally hockey! Hockey is the only professional game I have yet to get to. So if you care to broaden my horizons a bit on that, be my guest! ww.freeflashtoys.com/"
Real People. Don't play with my mind of think you know how to play the game. What ever happened to a decent conversation?
Stuff for your blog!
I LOVE COUNTRY!!! But I listen to everything. Depends on the mood.
Comedy, drama, chick flicks (duh) , etc, etc. Who sit's here and lists every single movie???
No favorites...just whatever's on if I'm in the mood for it.
Gotta be honest, I don't read much.
MY Mom and Dad. No words can explain why. They are the greatest people I've ever known.