About Me
Crissy says im the Bluntest person she's ever met.
I got too lazy to delete the people i didnt know so i deleted erryone. add me again =)
CLOVELLE.....this girl....She knew me before I ever met her. wierd, i know! o_O. What a stalker, right? hahaha! Well, i FIRST met this girl, in 6th grade at MIT. I think we met through our sisters, or something like that. So many memories... Clovelle is one of the FUNNIEST people you will EVER meet. She cracks me up with her nastyness, and wierd jokes! I joined colorgaurd when it was her 2nd year. I remember one time, we kept cracking up at this one practice cause she kept doing this wierd thing with her hands!! hahaha! I stripped for Clovelle and a couple of other people. You know, she liked it! haha! 6th grade passes hella quickly, but its cool cause i know that I would be seein' her next year. So 7th grade comes, and this is when all the relationships and stuff started! hahaha! So yeah, I guess I had a crush on clovelle, a couple of times. And all those times I asked her out, until she finally said "yes." I remember being one of the most happiest little 7th graders, alive! But after a month or so, it didnt last. It was hard to get over, but i managed to do it anyway. Clovelle was one of those people that showed she cared when it came to relationships, and she stood her ground. We have a lot of memories in 7th grade too! We had math tutorial together! We passed notes aaaall the time. Even though we weren't suppose to. I got detention for getting caught. I wasnt that slick back then, but Clovelle was the QUEEN, of being slick. She could break into your house steal yo shit, and be back out before you could say, your own name! hahaha! j/k. im over exageratting now. LOL! Lets see....oh! 8th grade came!! So much history here!! We we're finally graduating and we were going to High School!! I remember passing by her math class, and she would yell my name hella loud out the window and she would scare the shit outta me! hahaha! ok.. here comes 9th grade.... 2 words... "freshman friday! =(. Clovelle's little ass didnt get threatened or NOTHING. I heard a rumor that i was gonna get put in the garbage. I'm glad it wasnt true. hahaha! But anyway, in 9th grade, i guess you could say that me and clovelle became very close friends. I could tell her any of my deep dark secrets, and she wouldnt judge me or anything. She's a great listener, by the way. We had 1 class together, and that was english. We chit-chatted a storm in that class! Sometimes we wouldnt get any work done, cause we were busy talking. I remember going through all those heartaches i went through with her by my side to help me out. thanks for that, clovelle! People thought it was wierd that Clovelle would be talking bout her boy problems to one of her ex's. But we didnt care. Hey, the way we turned out, is better than all those wasted couples out there. I owe this girl a lot! Me and clovelle are always tryin our hardest when the other one is sad. You never wanna get this girl, mad! She will blow up! Its not even funny! haha. Clovelle is one of the reason that I go to school everyday! I go to get a good laugh from her. We have so many inside jokes, and stupid quotes that we said to each other. I could stay up aaaall night talking to this chick. The conversation would never end! Well, im gonna cut this now...Clovelle, dont stop being the person you are today. You are one of my bestest friend--ever! and whenever you need a big weight carried off your shoulders, ill be happy to be the one to knock it off for ya. You know im always here for you... love ya!
07.28.06 -Robby.
Clovelle... what can I saay??? The greatest person that you could ever choose as a best friend. This short little one, cracks me up, no matter what. Even when we're suppose to be workin' on a Bio project! We're all suppose to be serious, and she makes me laugh and then its over. hahaha! Don't get me wrong though, she also does have her bookworm, moments. After 10 minutes of working, we both are craving a break. 10 MINUTES! hahaha! Oh well. This girl can make a mean Root-Beer Float! And she makes them big! ;] Yup, I love to scare her, too! I got her twice, already! Once at my house, she was in the gym, and I was leaving saying, "You better not come outta here, or i'll scare you..." I hide behind the door, and she comes out. I scream at her, and she jumps outta her underwear! haha! Then she tries to chase me around the house, and ends up getting lost! OH maaaan! Hmm.. Clovelle spins in guard with me. We're share some hella good memories from practice, too! I remember when it was my first year, and it was her 2nd, she was wearing a sweater, and pulled it down under her boobs. Then she asks me, "Robby, how do you like me new shirt?!" She's so crazy! hahahaha! This girl is talented, too! She'll pick up any piece of equipment and know how to spin it! hahaha! Hmm.. what else? Oh! We've both had our ups and downs with Love. But we're always there for one another. Our feelings are sometimes the oppposite. Like when i'm hella emo, she's running around laughing and playing jokes on people. And when she's being, emo, I'm laughing my ass off. haha. Yeeah, I think I can imagine us growing old together, too! Me and Clovelle are famous, too! We were at a colorguard competition, and after we posed for hella camera's, we yell "Autographs anyone?" Unfortunately, the only thing that wanted our autographs, was a deflated yellow balloon that just so happened to be sliding across the gym floor. =( Oh well, better luck, next time! We don't wanna dissapoint our loving fans. hahahaha! Ok, now for the mushy part...I love Clovelle to death!!! No one can ever break apart this friendship, cause we're both hella commited to keeping it alive. And plus, we have shared too many laughs, tears, tears from laughs, and much more, to be wasted. I love Clovelle, and I'm hella proud to call her my best friend. =) Love ya!
Loving you is a like a song I replay
Every three minutes and thirty seconds of every day
And every chorus was written for us to recite
Every beautiful melody of devotion every night
It's potion like this ocean that might carry me
In a wave of emotion to ask you to marry me
And every word, every second, and every third
Expresses the happiness more clearly than ever heard
And when I play them, every chord is a poem
Telling the Lord how grateful I am cause I know him
The harmonies possess a sensation similar to your caress
If you asking then I'm telling you it's yes
Stand in love, take my hand in love, God bless