Primarily forming, then freely distributing my opinions and wild speculations, (even occasionally reversing them). If you don't like haters, or people who judge, then take your sappy ass on out of here, 'cause I come from a long, distinguished line of judging-haters... that's what makes the acts of kindness and loving forgiveness so precious, their rarity. If you're one of those people who thinks that "It's all good", then you're a moron, because, clearly, it ain't.
I'd like to meet the person that people see when they meet me, and see if he's really the asshole they all say he is. I bet he's a pretty cool guy!!
All kinds, really, if it's good and doesn't waste my time. Right now, Audioslave is really big for me, but Chris Cornell is absolutely the shit, always. System of a Down, in my opinion, has redefined the parameters for "rock songs", that is unmeasurable... after Serj with at least 5 different personas going on, just yelling into the mike with one hand on your dick and your cap flipped around backwards won't cut it anymore. Anything Johnny Cash has ever done... the first Fiona Apple was just devastating, everything since that I've heard is horrible... Locally,(Dallas, Ft. Worth) I'd say them Trimm boys (Altered) really did it for me for a long time, but it was the c.d. that delivered the juice... fuckin' monstrous songs. Lots of great local guitar players, Michael Grubbs played right straight from the heart, Russ Contreras, tons more, but it's the songs that get my attention, one guy Chris Burdick, first in Temple, then briefly had a band Peacemaker, nothing but the finest quality of music from that boy, Matt Eaton and Billy Hagan's (Spittin' Jonah) "Fight the Flesh", classic... Joe Manalisay, unholy fusion boy. But around here, for every good band, there's at least 25 that are truly fucking horrible... no names, but if I yell out, "You suck!" well...
Some all-time faves... "Death Race 2000", "Help!" (the Beatles), both "Conans", most of the "James Bondage" flics, "Real Genius", ("Don't touch his head... don't ever touch his head.") "Top Secret", "The Doors", "Salton Sea" (Val's the shit), anything with "Godzilla", "Secret Life of Walter Mitty", "Road to Morocco", "No Time for Sergeants", most of John Carpenter's shit, "Blade Runner", "Crossroads" ("I got a big white boy, Jack Butler, cuts heads every Saturday night!"), "Usual Suspects", ("Give me the keys, cocksucker-motherfucker!!")"Billy Jack", "Raising Arizona", "Road Warrior", "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", ("If you come to shoot, shoot, don't talk.") "Apocalypse, Now", (He's close... he's real close..."), "Planet of the Apes" (1 and 2), all of the "Aliens", (yeah, all of them),"Last Resort", "Scrooged", "African Queen", "Zulu", "Twelve Monkeys", "Point of No Return", ("All bricked up, Bob..."), "Get Carter", "Run, Lola, Run", "Bourne Identity", thousands of bad Sci-Fi, thousands of bad S-n-S... Now some of my least favorite movie stars, (even if I like some of their movies), Tom Cruise, (squeals like a 12 year old girl), Mel Gibson, (thinks exaggerated facial expressions signify good acting), Juliette Lewis, Albert Brooks, Woody Allen, Hugh Grant, many more... And my faves, Johnny Depp, Val Kilmer, Joaquin Phoenix, Brad Pitt, (American treasure), Billy Bob T., Nicole Kidman, (at least her ass!) Bridget Fonda, many more, just very obscure...
Out here in the sticks, sometimes your options can be limited, but there's never a shortage of religious channels with the most surreal collection of Hair-Sprayed Charlatans... right now the Reverend Bob Tilton's show is one of the most entertaining displays of shameless pandering I've ever seen, with his heavily medicated wife and their pampered poodles... "Ha-ba-la-goo-ba-la-hoo-ba-la" indeed! Almost as macabre is the Jack Van Impe show, complete with dire prophecies, questionable credentials and creepy personal anecdotes of his Belgian boyhood, but the real star of the show is his ditzy, vacuous yet strangely erotic wife "Rexella", with her baby-talking, Marilyn Monroe-ish dialect, ("Ooooh, Jack! I just love it when you ramble on about the Rapture! Boop-boo-pe-doo!"). But my favorite is Paula White, the diminutive white-trash High-Priestess of the Upwardly Mobile with the James Brown-Jesse Jackson preaching style. Now I was raised to "Fear God and Love Jesus" but if we'd had a preacher like her when I was growing up, I'd probably be the Holy Pope of the All-Mighty Dollar by now. "Testify, Girl-frenn!" But aside from the religious shows, and all kidding aside, the best television show ever created is, without a doubt, the incomparable "MXC Most Extreme Elimination Challenge". "Remember, don't get eliminated!!"
When I was a kid, the Internet was called "books", and I read thousands of them. I loved "Tom Sawyer", "The Three Musketeers", "Scaramouche", then got into the Sci-Fi thang, "Dune" (the first one only, the rest sucked), Edgar Rice Burroughs stuff ("John Carter of Mars", etc.), tons of Robert E. Howard books (author of the "Conan the Barbarian" tales, and "Red Sonya"), and as I got older, I had a big Piers Anthony phase, but I'd have to say that Carlos Casteneda's "Don Juan" books probably affected me the most, good and bad. I'll just leave it at that.
My dad.