Sports and Music. Funny movies and hunting on Sundays. Love betting horses. Anything Italian, food, wine, art, the country of Italy(molto bella). CHOCOLATE
John Bonham, but he's dead. Lets see. Anybody who knows who they are and doesn't play headgames. In other words REAL people who love themselves and do not need anybody to take care of them. Somebody who doesn't need me in their life, just WANTS me there. Pretty simple.(If you like chocolate that would be good too)
Godfather 1,2,and 3. Old School, Bowfinger, Dogma, The Usual Suspects, Sideways, Mother, L.A. Confidential, Holy Grail, The Matrix, Gladiator, Dumb And Dumber, Goodfellas, Tommy Boy.
The Price Is Right, Chappelle Show, Colbert Report and Cops. This video is absolutely the funniest thing I have ever seen. The people in the video are hypnotized and now think their chair is their lover. Pause the music and get ready to laugh your asses off. Check out this video: Love That Chair
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All Robert Ludlum
Barnie Clark (recipient of the 1st artificial heart)