Rik profile picture


If you don't like the weather in Minnesota just wait five minutes...it will still SUCK!

About Me

Skycap, Coach, Drummer, 175lbs of twisted Italian steel. I am all about having fun! I work at the MSP airport. I also coach football and basketball for two different high schools. I am a drummer in a local band. We are 100% original, and have two CD's out. I recently returned to school to get my bachelors degree in Physical Education. I hope to be a teacher one day. I love all kinds of sports. I like Real music with Real musicians. I love the weekends, because I don't work them. I have a 6yr old Chocolate Lab named Timber. She is awesome! We hunt in the Fall. I am honest and direct so if you ask me a question it will always be the truth, short and sweet. Most of my friends like that about me. I'm 37yrs old but look 20-something(Gotta stay in shape). Anything else, just ask...
Do you have any piercings? Both Ears
Love or Money: Love
Hugs or kisses: Both
Night or Day: Day
Rainy or sunny? Sunny
Steak or Sushi? Steak
Lefty or Righty? Both
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Dog or Cat? Dog
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Playstation or Nintendo? Not good at video games
TV or Radio? Both
Fly or drive? Drive
Eye color? Italian Brown
When did u lose your virginity: Next...
Believe in fate: Yes
Shoe Brand: Nike or New Balance
Biggest turn-off: Ego's
Do you have any siblings? 1 Sis and 1 Bro
Made prank calls: Sure
Do you have any pets? 1 Female Lab
Name three things you cant live without: Family, Pet, Drums
What is your longest phone conversation? 5hrs
Sent someone a love letter: Sure
Strangest recieved gift: Elvis Clock Radio
Flower: Rose
kiss ???Ones that last three days
do you like to cuddle Yes
do you dream Yes
are you happy with life right now Yes
Do you have any tattoos? 4 small ones
what did your last text message say? "Will you have time to see us"
where is one place in world you want to go? Lake Como, Italy
Favotite color: Black
What is your nickname The Rikker
do you like to argue No
Have you ever drank alcohol? Yes
Favorite alcoholic drink: 7 & 7
Current mood: Content
Season? Summer
In a relationship? No
Holiday? Christmas
Embarassed easily? No
Are you good at anything? Jack of all trades, Master of none
Indoors or Outdoors? Both
Name 3 things you CAN live without. Sushi, Rap Music, Windchill Factors
Love at first sight? Yes
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My Interests

Sports and Music. Funny movies and hunting on Sundays. Love betting horses. Anything Italian, food, wine, art, the country of Italy(molto bella). CHOCOLATE

I'd like to meet:

John Bonham, but he's dead. Lets see. Anybody who knows who they are and doesn't play headgames. In other words REAL people who love themselves and do not need anybody to take care of them. Somebody who doesn't need me in their life, just WANTS me there. Pretty simple.(If you like chocolate that would be good too)



Godfather 1,2,and 3. Old School, Bowfinger, Dogma, The Usual Suspects, Sideways, Mother, L.A. Confidential, Holy Grail, The Matrix, Gladiator, Dumb And Dumber, Goodfellas, Tommy Boy.


The Price Is Right, Chappelle Show, Colbert Report and Cops. This video is absolutely the funniest thing I have ever seen. The people in the video are hypnotized and now think their chair is their lover. Pause the music and get ready to laugh your asses off. Check out this video: Love That Chair


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All Robert Ludlum


Barnie Clark (recipient of the 1st artificial heart)

My Blog

Check out this video: Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: Lazy Sunday

Check out this video: Saturday Night Live - SNL Digital Short: Lazy Sunday<
Posted by Rik on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 07:08:00 PST

Celebrity look-alikes

..> http://www.myheritage.com/collage..>...
Posted by Rik on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 02:05:00 PST

The Run

I Finished! Final time was 23:32. Not bad, now someone bum me a smoke!
Posted by Rik on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 07:34:00 PST

Welcome to the 21st century

Alright, I am finally trying out this myspace stuff. Thanx to Kendal for helping me set it up( last year). I will only blog cool shit. That is all. Friends in space. I'm out!
Posted by Rik on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:43:00 PST

Check out this video: NemoJoe - Over and Over

Check out this video: NemoJoe - Over and Over Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Rik on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 08:15:00 PST