David profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a geek, but the good kind. Mostly. I enjoy black boxes with blinking lights. I like making loud noise by amplifying the vibrations of strings or hitting things with sticks. The neighbors don't like it quite so much. I'm a home body who spends a lot of time away from home. I like spending quality time with my cat, playing with metal, doing stuff, doing nothing, reading, eating, sleeping, playing games, and pronouncing the names of cured Italian meat like a redneck Sicilian (In my family that the c is a g, damn it! I don't care how they say it in up North!) I live in Seattle and work in South America and Asia. And occasionally Disney Land. I'd go back to Brazil just for the fruit. I really need to speak better Spanish. Or any Spanish. I think about moving eventually but I fear change. Change is what killed the dinosaurs. Or maybe it was that asteroid...

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My Interests

Thinking about updating my profile and not actually doing it, music, books, comics, cuddling with Fritz when I've been gone for a 10 days and he snores on my lap, games, metal work, political art, going around the world and not being a tourist, learning how to compliment your ass in Portugese, assorted geekery, meat on a stick, chicken fried steak at the Pantry, Russian guys from Ohio running jewelry shops in Singapore, different Russian guys saying "Aw, snap!" with that cute accent, bitching about not getting to go to Athens and Mayorca, 3 weeks off to play, new iPods and Ferrari laptops, spelunking, no longer renting

I'd like to meet:

People who aren't broken, just a little bent. I want to find people to do stuff with. I want to find people to do nothing with. Or anyone who needs a good bass player (or a kinda crappy drummer) to play serious music or just a bunch of trashy noise - I'm happy doing either. Or possibly someone who can speak Spanish for real and wants to go to Costa Rica.


I've been metally lately, the new favorite is Dillinger Escape Plan, Opeth, Mastadon, Kings of Leon, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, When I'm in old school mode - Black Flag, Bad Brains, Television, Husker Du, Devo, Wall of Voodoo, The Cars, M.I.A., Dizzee Rascal, The Streets, The Biz (cause he's diabolical), Meshuggah, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Silver Mount Zion, Bauhaus, Echo and the Bunnymen, Gang of Four, Talking Heads, some PIL, old Butthole Surfers and Dead Kennedys, KEXP, Slint, Fugazi, Isis, Neurosis, quality country and drunken honky tonk, lots of other stuff


R. Kelly's Trapped In the Closet, I don't think it's supposed to be a comedy, though...bad horror, good sci-fi, anything by Jim Jarmusch, Tarentino, Weird Al Yankovic, Trey Parker, anything else that doesn't suck


Adult Swim, HBO Boxing, Discovery channel-any show about The Brown Tone is worth my time, and I just got sucked into Firefly, it's better than Buffy...


Right now I'm reading a graphic history of the American labor movement and the Wobblies, a book on thermodynamics and life, and Joss Whedon's X Men books, I recently read Bible Stories for Adults, Looking for Jake, and Bangkok 8, Anything by Brian Michael Bendis, Neil Gaiman, Neal Stephenson, China Mieville (accept that last one that kinda sucked), lots of military history, Edward Abbey, Everybody Poops, Legs McNeil


Aquaman. He's a superhero who's powers are unapplicable to 99% of supervillain related activity but somehow he perseveres in the face of his own overwhelming impotence.

My Blog

No House For Me

Thanks to everyone who weighed in on whether or not I should offer on the castle condo. I decided to put an offer in Monday afternoon but it sold that morning. Missed it by ...... that much. Next time...
Posted by David on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 09:28:00 PST

Swamps Rule!

I visited Hannah in Ochopee in the Everglades this week and was just blown away. Just walking in her back yard we saw alligators, a couple different kinds of orchids, heron, ibis, snake head birds (I ...
Posted by David on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 02:10:00 PST

The Chilean Blog

So I think I've already talked to everyone who'll bother to read this, but I  figured I'd do an entry anyway. I've been in Santiago for a week now and I can finally admit Brazil kinda blew. Or at...
Posted by David on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 07:31:00 PST

Screw Liability!

There are some plusses and minuses to working in developing countries (I refuse to say 3rd world cause they do actually do some things better than us, ya know, like not using high fructose corn syrup ...
Posted by David on Sat, 10 Dec 2005 07:48:00 PST

Brazil Is A Foreign Country

Singapore was pretty easy to get around in. Everyone spoke English, cars stopped at crosswalks, you could flush your toilet paper, it was a lot like Hawaii. I'm glad I came to Brazil, it's a totally c...
Posted by David on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 05:39:00 PST

Tokyo Is No Go

I just found out I won't be going to Tokyo next month. I was really looking forward to that. Singapore was pretty interesting, but it's a fairly westernized modern city. It was a lot like being in Hon...
Posted by David on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 03:42:00 PST

Coolest Show Ever

Gang of Four at the Showbox rocked my pants. I like when my pants are rocked.
Posted by David on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

E3 Load In, Day 8

As stoked as I am to be working the biggest video game nerd fest of the last 5 years, I think I'm ready to go back to the hotel. The booth is about done, we just need to finish loading all the content...
Posted by David on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Shows Not To Be Missed

April 1 - Dizzee Rascal @ Neumos Twenty clams is a lot to cough up, but what the hell April 4 - Handsome Boy Modeling School w/ Buck65 @ Showbox I don't know if I'll actually make it to this one...
Posted by David on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

On The Road Again

I'm back from New York and I'm already set to head back out, this time to San Francisco. Coming back to Seattle just reminds me of how small town it can be, with all the attached plusses and minuses. ...
Posted by David on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST