A band which you can guess all about by the name.
From north east Italy,their sound is Rock with a big,
fat “Râ€, acid, mystical and as hot as a Death Valley
noon. Powerful riffs sprinkled with melodic and
psychedelic parts, a mix of stinging and mad
guitars riding like wild horses. Their music leaves
you with the feeling of being in front of various
influences brilliantly mixed together, starting off
from the 60s-70s up to some of today’s most
interesting sounds. They already have played
with great international bands such as Firebird
(with Bill Steer and Ludwig Witt - ex Carcass,
Napalm Death, Spiritual Beggars), Brant Bjork
& The Bros (ex Kyuss), Michael Davis MC5, Vic
Du Monte (with Alfredo Hernandez - ex Kyuss,
Queens Of The Stone Age), Nebula, Alabama
Thunderpussy, Josiah, Dozer, Gorilla, Ojm,
Small Jackets and many others.
On stage it seems they’re offering themselves “body
and soul to the devil†if the energy and emotion they
display is anything to go by, switching from strong,
heavy tones to bits which are as strong and powerful
as a slap in the face. Since the earlier gigs, the band
got a very good feed back from people, being them
audience or journos. They draw attention beyond their
music, for they shows are full of gimmicks which
always take one by surprise such as when their
flames-lover singer decides to set instruments
or amp on fire just for a laugh.Well, next time these
guys happen to be on your way, don’t fucking miss
them or you’ll seriously regret it!
Band della quale il nome è già tutto un programma.
Il loro sound è un Rock con la “R†maiuscola, acido,
mistico e caldo come un mezzogiorno desertico nella
Death Valley. Riffs energici si intrecciano a parti melodico
psichedeliche, un mix di chitarre sferzanti e impazzite
come cavalli selvaggi. Nella loro musica risalta un’ottima
combinazione di differenti impronte musicali mescolate
tra loro, con influenze provenienti dai 60’s - 70’s alla
musica dei giorni nostri. Hanno già condiviso il palco con
bands internazionali di rinomato spessore come
Firebird (with Bill Steer and Ludwig Witt - ex Carcass,
Napalm Death, Spiritual Beggars), Brant Bjork & The Bros
(ex Kyuss), Michael Davis MC5, Vic Du Monte (with Alfredo
Hernandez - ex Kyuss, Queens Of The Stone Age), Nebula,
Alabama Thunderpussy, Josiah, Dozer, Gorilla,
Ojm, Small Jackets and many others.
Nei live sembrano vendere “anima e corpo al diavoloâ€
da quanta energia ed emozione sanno esprimere
alternando tonnellate di suono a parti che “sbattono la
porta in faccia†e sin dai primi concerti la band ha ottenuto
risultati positivi con consenso da parte del pubblico e
ottimi giudizi dagli addetti al settore. Animali da palco,
si sono fatti notare oltre che musicalmente anche per
i loro shows in cui il “Fire†lo si vede veramente,
quando qualche amplificazione o chitarra s’incendia per
mano del cantante, che appunto, ha un amore per il dice qualcosa il nome dell’album?
Have you ever seen the Fire on stage?