[026]dee dee dee
1. My uncle once: attempted to read... but he can't.2. Never in my life: have i gone out of state or gone snowboarding/camping.3. When I was five: something tragic happened.4. High Scho...Posted by on Fri, 18 Nov 2005 12:32:00 GMT
[025]bitch... tell me you love me. do this!
CUDDLE APPLICATION: Name:Age:Location:Height:Pant size:Shoe size:Piercings/Tattoos:Screenname:1. Are you a cuddling whore2. Do you drive3. Would you come over, cuddle, and bake with me4. What do you d...Posted by on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 15:34:00 GMT
[024]sex sex sex... let's do it.
Name: ___________________Age: ____________________Phone: (____) ____________Occupation: ____________________Height______ Weight______Married(Y/N)__ Single(Y/N)___ Other_________How often do you have s...Posted by on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 20:50:00 GMT
[023]another hour wasted
1* First grade teacher's name: mrs.whone2* Last word(s) you said: shut up to my brother.3* Last song you sang: 'shake yer dix' by peaches bitch.4* Last person you hugged: cacaface.5* Last th...Posted by on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 17:37:00 GMT
[022]to, too, two
Two Names You Go By1. Theresa/Monique2. Buttcheeks Two Parts of Your Heritage1. filipino2. beaner Two Things That Scare You1. loss of a friend2. ET Two of Your Everyday Essentials1. Coffee2. Soda Two ...Posted by on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 20:35:00 GMT
[021]myspace questionier
1.What does your myspace quote mean?heck if i know. i just thought it was awesome. it's from peaches!2. Elaborate on your primary photo.oh this is a great! listen to this... i just thought ...Posted by on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 20:22:00 GMT
[020]Forgive me father, why should you bother?
so yeah. i was just thinking. i miss my dad. i haven't a talked to him in weeks. actually i think it has officially been a month. i miss my dad. but i hate the deathly guilt trips. why can't i have a ...Posted by on Wed, 05 Oct 2005 15:05:00 GMT
[019]seven things
SEVEN THINGS IN YOUR ROOM:1. clothes2. my bed3. tortoise4. mirror5. tv/dvd6. some of my cds (kristina has the rest)7. frog TOP SEVEN THINGS YOU SAY MOST:1. "omg"2. "bleh"3. "wheteva foo"4. "yer f...Posted by on Sun, 25 Sep 2005 13:39:00 GMT
[017]bleh blog.
i case i couldn't say enough about myself... here is some more. MAY: Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves atte...Posted by on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 23:22:00 GMT
so i was hit by a car today! yes it was great. fucking bitch hit me and drove off! i don't get how the hell she did not see me when i was right in front of her car. i may not be a blimp...but&nbs...Posted by on Tue, 06 Sep 2005 21:28:00 GMT