-Thy name is Geoffrey.
-I do not like people.
-I do not do drugs nor rely on drinking.
-I do not like apathy.
-I do not like Texas...at all.
-I am irritable.
-I am a gentleman and a sweetheart :)
-I have preferences like no other.
-If I were in movies I'd be the villain in all of them.
-I believe heavily in the lifestyle of the wonderful NEW YORK METS.
-I hate the Astros and Red Sox so fucking much...and that includes their fans.
-I hate football.
-I despise the annoyance of facial hair.
-I am addicted to cherries and peanut butter...separately.
-The "indie" crowd annoys the shit outta me.
-I goto school and will for a very long time
-If you are a female Mets fan...we have a lot of catching up to do! :)
-I have friends...and they have me too.
-Thou am not a bigot.
-I cut my food completely up before I eat it.
-I kill people.
-Science is awesome...
-I am of the religion "Who gives a shit"
-You might hate me...
-But you'll probably fall in love with me.