NINNGHIZHIDDA, Horned Serpent of the Deep profile picture

NINNGHIZHIDDA, Horned Serpent of the Deep

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Of the Sleep of ISHTARYet ISHTAR Queen of Heaven Bright Light of Nights Mistress of the Gods Set her mind in that direction From Above she set her mind, To Below she set her mind From the Heavens she set forth To the Abyss Out of the Gates of the Living To enter the Gates of Death Out of the Lands we know Into the Lands we know not To the Land of No Return To the Land of Queen ERESHKIGAL ISHTAR, Queen of Heavens, she set her mind ISHTAR, Daughter of SIN, she set forth To the Black Earth, the Land of CUTHA She set forth To the House of No Return she set her foot Upon the Road whence None Return She set her foot To the Cave, forever unlit Where bowls of clay are heaped upon the alter Where bowls of dust are the food Of residents clothed only in wings To ABSU ISHTAR set forth. Where sleeps the dread CUTHALU ISHTAR set forth.The Watcher Stood fast. The Watcher NINNGHIZHIDDA Stood fast. And ISHTAR spoke unto himNINNGHIZHIDDA! Serpent of the Deep! NINNGHIZHIDDA! Horned Serpent of the Deep! NINNGHIZHIDDA! Plumed Serpent of the Deep!Open! Open the Door that I may enter! NINNGHIZHIDDA, Spirit of the Deep, Watcher of the Gate, Remember! In the Name of our Father before the Flight, ENKI, Lord and Master of Magicians Open the Door that I may enter! Open Lest I attack the Door Lest I break apart its bars Lest I attack the Barrier Lest I take its walls by force Open the Door Open Wide the Gate Lest I cause the Dead to rise! I will raise up the Dead! I will cause the Dead to rise and devour the living! Open the Door Lest I cause the Dead to outnumber the Living! NINNGHIZHIDDA, Spirit of the Deep, Watcher of the Gate, Open!NINNGHIZHIDDA The Great Serpent Coiled back on itself And answered ISHTAR Lady Queen among the Gods I go before my Mistress ERESHKIGAL Before the Queen of Death I will announce Thee.And NINNGHIZHIDDA Horned Serpent Approached the Lady ERESHKIGAL And said: Behold, ISHTAR, Thy Sister Queen among the Gods Stands before the Gate! Daughter of SIN, Mistress of ENKI She waits.And ERESHKIGAL was pale with fear. The Dark Waters stirred.Go, Watcher of the Gate. Go, NINNGHIZHIDDA, Watcher of the Gate, Open the Door to ISHTAR And treat Her as it is written In the Ancient Covenant.And NINNGHIZHIDDA loosed the bolt from the hatch And Darkness fell upon ISHTAR The Dark Waters rose and carried the Goddess of Light To the Realms of the Night. And the Serpent spoke: Enter Queen of Heaven of the Great Above That KUR may rejoice That CUTHA may give praise That KUTU may smile. Enter That KUTULU may be pleased at Thy presenceAnd ISHTAR entered.And there are Seven gates and Seven Decrees.At the First GateNINGHIZHIDDA removed the Crown The Great Crown of Her head he took away And ISHTAR asked Why, Serpent, has thou removed my First Jewel? And the Serpent answered Thus is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time, The Rules of the Lady of KUTU. Enter the First Gate.And the Second GateNINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Wand The Wand of Lapis Lazuli he took away And ISHTAR asked Why, NETI, has thou removed my Second Jewel? And NETI answered Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time The Decrees of the Lady of KUTU. Enter the Second Gate.At the Third GateNINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels The Jewels around her neck he took away And ISHTAR asked Why, Gatekeeper, has thou removed my Third Jewel? And the Gatekeeper answered Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time, The Decrees of the Lady of KUTU Enter the Third Gate.At the Fourth GateNINGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels The Jewels on her breast he took away And ISHTAR asked Why, Guardian of the Outer, has thou removed my Fourth Jewel? And the Guardian answered Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time, The Rules of the Lady of KUTU. Enter the Fourth Gate.At the Fifth GateNINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels The Belt of Jewels around her hips he took away And ISHTAR asked Why, Watcher of the Forbidden Entrance, hast thou removed my Fifth Jewel? And the Watcher answered Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time, The Rules of the Lady of KUTUK. Enter the Fifth Gate. At the Sixth Gate NINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels The Jewels around her wrists And the Jewels around her ankles he took away. And ISHTAR asked Why, NINNKIGAL, hast thou removed my Sixth Jewel? And NINKIGAL answered Thus it is, the ancient Covenant, set down before Time, The Decrees of Lady of KUTU. Enter the Sixth Gate.At the Seventh GateNINNGHIZHIDDA removed the Jewels The Jewelled Robes of ISHTAR he took away. ISHTAR, without protection, without safety, ISHTAR, without talisman or amulet, asked Why, Messenger of the Ancient Ones, hast thou removed my Seventh Jewel? And the Messenger of the Ancient Ones replied Thus it is, the Covenant of Old, set down before Time, The Rules of the Lady of KUTU. Enter the Seventh Gate and behold the Nether World.ISHTAR had descended to the Land of KUR To the Depths of CUTHA she went down. Having lost her Seven Talisman of the Upper Worlds Having lost her Seven Powers of the Land of the Living Without Food of Life or Water of Life She appeared before ERESHKIGAL, Mistress of Death. ERESHKIGAL screamed at Her presence.ISHTAR raised up Her arm. ERESHKIGAL summoned NAMMTAR The Magician NAMMTAR Saying these words she spoke to him Go! Imprison her! Bind her in Darkness! Chain her in the Sea below the Seas! Release against her the Seven ANNUNNAKI! Release against her the Sixty Demons! Against her eyes, the demons of the eyes! Against her sides, the demons of the sides! Against her heart, the demons of the heart! Against her feet, the demons of the feet! Against her head, the demons of the head! Against her entire body, the demons the KUR!And the demons tore at her, from every side.And the ANNUNAKI, Dread Judges Seven Lords of the Underworld Drew Around Her Faceless Gods of ABSUThey stared Fixed her with the Eye of Death With the Glance of Death They killed her And hung her like a corpse from a stake The sixty demons tearing her limbs from her sides Her eyes from her head Her ears from her skull.ERESHKIGAL rejoiced. Blind AZAG-THOTH rejoiced IAK SAKKAK rejoiced ISHNIGGARRAB rejoiced KUTULU rejoiced The MASKIM gave praise to the Queen of Death The GIGIM gave praise to ERESHKIGAL, Queen of Death.And the Elder Ones were rent with fear.Our Father ENKI Lord of Magick Receiving word by NINSHUBUR ISHTAR's servant NINSHUBUR He hears of ISHTAR's Sleep In the House of Death He hears how GANZIR has been Opened How the Face of Abyss Opened wide its mouth And swallowed the Queen of Heaven Queen of the Rising of the Sun. And ENKI summoned forth clay And ENKI summoned forth wind And from the clay and from the wind ANKI fashioned two Elementals He fashioned the KURGARRU, spirit of the Earth, He fashioned the KALATURRU, spirit of the Seas, To the KURGARRU he gave the Food of Life To the KALATURRU he gave the Water of Life And to these images he spoke aloud Arise, KALATURRU, Spirit of the Seas Arise, and set thy feet to that Gate GANZIR To the Gate of the Underworld The Land of No Return Set thine eyes The Seven Gates shall open for thee No spell shall keep thee out For my Number is upon you. Take the bag of the Food of Life Take the bag of the Water of Life And ERESHKIGAL shall not raise her arm against you ERESHKIGAL SHALL HAVE NO POWER OVER YOU.Find the corpse of INANNA Find the corpse of ISHTAR our Queen And sprinkle the Food of Life, Sixty Times And sprinkle the Water of Life, Sixty Times Sixty Times the Food of Life and the Water of Life Sprinkle upon her body And truly ISHTAR will rise.With giant wings And scales like serpents The two elementals flew to that Gate Invisible NINNGHIZHIDDA saw them not Invisible They passes the Seven Watchers With haste they entered the Palace of Death And they beheld several terrible sights.The demons of all the Abyss lay there Dead but Dreaming, they clung to the walls Of the House of Death Faceless and terrible The ANNUNAKI stared out Blind and Mad AZAG-THOTH reared up The Eye on the Throne opened The Dark Waters stirred The Gates of Lapis Lazuli glistened In the darkness Unseen Monsters Spawned at the Dawn of Ages Spawned in the Battle of MARDUK and TIAMAT Spawned in HUBUR With the Sign of HUBUR Lead by KINGU . . .With haste they fled Through the Palace of Death Stopping only at the corpse of ISHTARThe Beautiful Queen Mistress of the Gods Lady of all the Harlots of UR Bright Shining One of the Heavens Beloved of ENKI Lay hung and bleeding From a thousand fatal wounds.ERESHKIGAL Sensing their presence Cried out.KUGAARU Armed with Fire Looked upon the Queen of Corpses with the Ray of FireKALATURRU Armed with Flame Looked upon the Queen of the Graves With the Rays of Flame.And ERESHKIGAL Mighty in CUTHA Turned her faceUpon the corpse of INANNA Sixty times they sprinkled The Water of Life of ENKI Upon the corpse of ISHTAR Sixty times they sprinkled The Food of Life of ENKIUpon the corpse Hung from a stake They directed the Spirit of Life INANNA AROSE.The Dark Waters trembled and roiled.AZAG-THOTH screamed upon his throne CUTHALU lurched forth from his sleep ISHNIGARRAB fled the Palace of Death IAK SAKKAK trembled in fear and hate The ANNUNNAKI fled their thrones The Eye upon the Throne took flight ERESHKIGAL roared and summoned NAMMTAR The Magician NAMMRAR she called But not for pursuit But for protection.INANNA ascended from the Underworld.With the winged elementals she fled the Gates Of GANZIR and NETI she fled And verily The Dead fled ahead of her.When through the First Gate they fled ISHTAR took back her jewelled robes.When through the Second Gate they fled ISHTAR took back her jewelled bracelets.When through the Third Gate they fled ISHTAR took back her jewelled belt.When through the Fourth Gate they fled ISHTAR took back her jewelled necklace.When through the Fifth Gate they fled ISHTAR took back her Belt of Jewels.When through the Sixth Gate they fled ISHTAR took back her Wand of LapisWhen through the Seventh Gate they fled ISHTAR took back her jewelled crown.And the Demons rose And the Spirits of the Dead And went with her out of the Gates Looking neither right nor left Walking in front and behind They went with ISHTAR from the Gate of GANZIR Out of the Netherworld they accompanied her And ERESHKIGAL Scorned Queen of the Abyss Wherein All Are Drowned Pronounced a Curse Solemn and Powerful Against the Queen of the Rising of the Sun And NAMMTAR gave it form.When the Lover of ISHTAR Beloved of the Queen of Heaven Goes down before me Goes through the Gate of GANZIR To the House of Death When with him the wailing people comeThe weeping woman and the wailing man When DUMUZI is slain and buried MAY THE DEAD RISE AND SMELL THE INCENSE!######## 5;######### 5;######### 5;# enn / kate dive / live in concert / leipzig 120507

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THE OLDEST SPELL IN THE WORLDThis spell is perhaps one of the oldest ever found. It was discovered at the site of the ancient city of Kish, in 1930. That year an English expedition lead by Ernest Mackay discovered a small cache of tablets in a layer of the city dating from around 2800 - 2600 b.c.e., a period known historically as the First Dynasty of Kish. These tablets revealed the earliest examples of the Akkadian language (known as "Old Akkadian"), as well as affording the most ancient example of any type of magical spell. This small tablet, measuring 87 x 46 x 11 mm, is almost perfectly preserved, and is an incantation for love.1. dEn-ki ir-e-ma-am 2. è-ra-a-am 3. ir-e-mu-um DUMU dInnana 4. in za-gi-im e-ra-ab 5. in ru-ùh-ti ga-na-ak-tim 6. ú-da-ra wa-ar-....... -da 7. da-me-iq da-tu-... da-pumx 8. ki-rí-šum tu-ur4-da-am 9. tu-ur4-da-ma a-na GIŠ.SAR 10. ru-ùh-ti ga-na-ak-tim 11. ti-ib da-ad-ga 12. a-hu-EŠ ba-ki ša ru-ga-tim 13. a-hu-EŠ bu-ra-ma-ti 14. e-ni-ki 15. a-hu-EŠ ur4-ki 16. ša lim-na-tim 17. a-áš-hi-it ki-rí-iš 18. dEN.ZU 19. ab-tuq GIŠ.A.TU.GAB.LIŠ 20. u-me-iš-sa 21. du-ri-ì i-da-as-ga-ri-ni 22. ki SIPA ì-du-ru za-nam 23. ÙZ ga-lu-ma-sa U8 SILA4-áš 24. a-da-núm mu-ra-áš 25. si-ir-gu-a i-da-su 26. X ù ti-bu-ut-tum 27. sa-ap-da-su 28. a-za-am X in ga-ti-su 29. a-za-am i-ri-nim in bu-ti-su 30. ir-e-mu ú-da-bi-bu-si-ma 31. ù iš-ku-nu-si a-na mu-hu-tim 32. a-hu-EŠ ba-ki ša da-ti 33. dInnana ù dIš-ha-ra 34. ù-dam-me-ki 35. a-ti za-wa-ar-su 36. ù za-wa-ar-ki 37. la e-dam-da 38. la da-ba-ša-hi-ì Enki ir'emam era"am ir'emum mara' Innana in zaggim errab in ruhti kanaktim udarra ......... damiq ..... tâbum kiršum turdam turdamma ana kirim ruhti kanaktim tib dâdka âhuz paki ša rûqatim âhuz burramati êniki âhuz ûrki ša limnatim ašhit kiriš Suen abtuq sarbatam jumišša dûri in-taskarinni ki re'ijum idûru sa'nam enzum kalumaša lahrum puhadaš atanum mûraš širkua idašu .......... u tibuttum šaptašu assam ....... in qâtišu assam irinim in pûdišu ir'emu udabbibušima u iškunuši ana muhhu'tim âhuz paki ša dâdi Innana u Išhara utammîki adi zawaršu u zawarki la êtamda la tapaššahi Ea loves Ir'emum, Ir'emum, Ištar's child, Sitting in her lap in the sap of the Kanaktu-tree You, N., beautiful girls, You are sweet, ........ You go down to the garden, You go into the garden, You collected the sap of the Kanaktu-tree. May you please your lover! I seized your luscious mouth, I seized your colorful Eyes, I seized your vulva Moistening. I jumped into the garden Of Sin, the Moon-God I cut off branches For her day. You shall surround me among my boxwoods, Like a shepherd circles his flock, The she-goat her kid, the ewe her lamb, The jenny her foal. His arms are covered with jewels, Like oil and tibuttum-plants Are his lips; A cruse of oil is in his hand, A cruse of oil is on his shoulder The Ir'emu have bewitched her And made her love-sick. I've seized your mouth of love By Ištar and Išhara I conjure you: As long as his neck And your neck Are not entwined, You shall find no peace! ########## ########## ########## ########## #### 21. You climb to the mountains surveying the earth, 22. You suspend from the heavens the circle of the lands. 23. You care for all the peoples of the lands, 24. And everything that Ea, king of the counsellors, had created is entrusted to you. 25. Whatever has breath you shepherd without exception, 26. You are their keeper in upper and lower regions. 27. Regularly and without cease you traverse the heavens, 28. Every day you pass over the broad earth. . . . 33. Shepherd of that beneath, keeper of that above, 34. You, Shamash, direct, you are the light of everything. 35. You never fail to cross the wide expanse of sea, 36. The depth of which the Igigi know not. 37. Shamash, your glare reaches down to the abyss 38. So that monsters of the deep behold your light. . . . 45. Among all the Igigi there is none who toils but you, 46. None who is supreme like you in the whole pantheon of gods. 47. At your rising the gods of the land assemble, 48. Your fierce glare covers the land. 49. Of all the lands of varied speech, 50.. You know their plans, you scan their way. 51.. The whole of mankind bows to you, 52. Shamash, the universe longs for your light. . . . 88. A man who covets his neighbour's wife 89. Will [ . . .] before his appointed day. 90.. A -nasty snare is prepared for him. [ . . .] 91. Your weapon will strike at him, and there will be none to save him. 92. [His] father will not stand for his defense, 93. And at the judge's command his brothers will not plead. 94. He will be caught in a copper trap that he did not foresee. 95. You destroy the horns of a scheming villain, 96. A zealous [. . .] his foundations are undermined. 97. You give the unscrupulous judge experience of fetters, 98. Him who accepts a present and yet lets justice miscarry you make bear his punishment. 99. As for him who declines a present but nevertheless takes the part of the weak, 100.. It is pleasing to Shamash, and he will prolong his life. . . . 124. The progeny of evil-doers will [fail.] 125. Those whose mouth says 'No'-their case is before you. 126. In a moment you discern what they say; 127. You hear and examine them; you determine the lawsuit of the wronged. 128. Every single person is entrusted to your hands; 129. You manage their omens; that which is perplexing you make plain. 130. You observe, Shamash, prayer, supplication, and benediction, 131. Obeisance, kneeling, ritual murmurs, and prostration. 132. The feeble man calls you from the hollow of his mouth, 133. The humble, the weak, the afflicted, the poor, 134. She whose son is captive constantly and unceasingly confronts you. 135. He whose family is remote, whose city is distant, 136. The shepherd [amid) the terror of the steppe confronts you, 137. The herdsman in warfare, the keeper of sheep among enemies. 138. Shamash, there confronts you the caravan, those journeying in fear, 139. The travelling merchant, the agent who is carrying capital. 140. Shamash, there confronts you the fisherman with his net, 141. The hunter, the bowman who drives the game, 142. With his bird net the fowler confronts You. 143. The prowling thief, the enemy of Shamash, 144. The marauder along the tracks of the steppe confronts you. 145. The roving dead, the vagrant soul, 146. They confront you, Shamash, and you hear all. 147. You do not obstruct those that confront you. . . . 148. For my sake, Shamash, do not curse them! 149. You grant revelations, Shamash, to the families of men, 150. Your harsh face and fierce light you give to them. . . 154. The heavens are not enough as the vessel into which you gaze, 155. The sum of the lands is inadequate as a seer's bowl....... 159. You deliver people surrounded by mighty waves, 160. In return you receive their pure, clear libations. . .. 165. They in their reverence laud the mention of you, 166. And worship your majesty for ever. . . . 174. Which are the mountains not clothed with your beams? 175. Which are the regions not warmed by the brightness of your light? 176. Brightener of gloom, illuminator of darkness, 177. Dispeller of darkness, illuminator of the broad earth.

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