Kickboxing,Fighting, Diving, The beach. Good living and traveling the globe as much as possible
Some old friends From(B.U.D./S ) 225 -226. Everybody wanted to be a Frogman on Friday.Glad I was mentioned in A new Book about falling asleep on Cpt. McGuire and getting my class beat. It was a beating worth mentioning. Glad I could add to page 124 latrellThe whole Rat Pack. Kennedy the great man full of Secrets.Other people that do not limit themselves and never for a moment think something is out of their reachpeople that do something before criticizing.
Or put themselves in other people's shoes
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U2, AMERICAN DUMPSTER, Gotta love some N.W.A, Andre Rieu, Sinatra, Morcheeba, Tony Bennett, Elvin Bishop. Tennesee Rambler's (ha) zucharo , I listen to everything. My collection would surprise you.
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Definetely more Cow Bell.
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