I Love Jesus

I Love Jesus "Joe"

I am here for Friends

About Me

MY TESTIMONY Hey whats up everyone my name is Joe and to tell you about me I would have to start back when I joined the Army. The best and worst time I ever had see I have gone to church and have known of God from a child my mom would make me go with her, but you see when I got into the army I found I really did not know God the way I thought I did yeah I would pray every now and then but that was about it. I got to south Carolina for training and man It started they gave us our first weekend pass and a lot of my so called friends and I would go and get as trashed as we could before sun night when we had to be back on post. See I thought that was bad my first duty station was in Germany and for a place where the drinking age is 16 it was a bad place for me to be I made a lot of new friends that were pretty close to me cause we had been to Iraq and back but they had started tempting me with more then jus beer I started smoking pot and doing x and over the counter drugs and that was feeling part of the emptiness I had Girls and clubs were feeling the rest. I thought I was doing good tell some friends got busted for doing the drugs so I had stopped but that emptiness was still there. I came home out of the Army in sep 04 and my mom once again was like your going to church with me and I was like ok so I went a couple times and started feeling a little better but I still felt empty I would still go to clubs and get drunk smoking like 2 packs of cigarettes a day. I recommitted my life but it was half heartedly I still wanted to do things my way. It was not tell April 15 2005 when I was not going to go to youth night but one of the kids needed a ride so I was like ok I got there and my Dad needed something from the house so I got in my car and started to drive home and I was listening to air 1 and the song what If I stumble what if I fall came on by DC Talk and that song really hit me I got back to church and gave all my bad(secular) music to the kid and told them to break them I recommitted my life to Christ and repented!! The most important part. I started asking God what do I need to get rid of in my life and he told me no more drinking and smoking I stopped drinking right away. So sun the 17 my true friends and I were getting ready to go to Day 7 and I had one cigarette left in my pack and I asked God for help and I gave it away I have not smoked from that day on!! God has filled every empty part in my Life and he can do the same for you just ask me how God Bless

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Posted by on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 20:48:00 GMT

my look alikes

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Trust " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight." Proverbs 3: 5-6 (NIV) No matter what ha...
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