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About Me

I am a teacher and most days I love my job, but every once in awhile I question my sanity especially in regard to my career choice.Away from school, what I like to do depends on my mood. Sometimes I am completely happy hanging out by myself and other times I love being around people (even though I think most people are pretty annoying, they can still be amusing.) I like to hang out with my friends, go out, go to concerts, spend time with my family, listen to music, watch football, read, write (one day Oprah will choose my book for her book club ... as soon as I finish writing it...) and playing poker.Things that make me happy: bluebonnets alongside the highway in the spring, my friends, driving with the windows down and the music up, a phone call (one that I don't have to screen), the smell of cut grass, creme brulee, pants that are long enough and don't make my ass look bigger than it is, my dogs, traveling, a cold beverage on a hot day (or a cool day... really ANY day), a good hair day, finding money in the aforementioned pants pocket, sarcastic wit, and diet coke!Things that make me unhappy: Mondays, people who talk mess about people because they are small minded, jealous, or stupid, pretentious people, people who think they are smarter than everyone else and are truly not, people that think they are entitled to stuff because of who they are, running out of cold beverages, pants that make my ass look bigger than it is, people who are unnecessarily stupid, ignorant, obnoxious, loud, rude, belligerent, ... OK basically people in general... polka layout @ Unique MySpace Layouts - Movie Layouts - Music Layouts - More MySpace Layouts! - MySpace Tools
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Signe
Date of Birth: November 22, 1976
Birthplace: St. Paul, MN
Current Location: Houston, TX
Eye Color: one blue, one green
Hair Color: light brown... soon to be darker
Height: 6'1"
Heritage: Norwegian / Scandinavian / German
Piercings: 7 ( 6 of which are in my ears - very boring)
Tattoos: one... and it's enough for me.
Band/Singer: so many I couldn't possibly list them all ... but at the top of the list are Bruce Springsteen / Pat Green / Willie Nelson / Elton John / Dixie Chicks
Song: Secret Garden / Dancin' in the Dark / Tiny Dancer / Wish You Were Here / Dixie Lullaby / Blue Eyes Cryin in the Rain / With or Without You ...
Movie: Last of the Mohicans / St. Elmo's Fire / Almost Famous / Shag / Office Space / Castaway ... and anything with Tom Hanks!
Disney Movie: I'm generally indifferent to cartoons ... but I did enjoy 101 Dalmations
TV show: Grey's Anatomy / Jeopardy / HGTV / Survivor / Dancing with the Stars (I'm a dork)
Color: yellow
Food: creme brulee / ceasar salad / chips
Pizza topping: canadian bacon and green peppers
Ice-Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip
Drink (alcoholic): bud light
Soda: diet coke (it's like crack to me :) )
Store: Dillards / Macy's / Banana Republic
Clothing Brand: anything that makes me look thinner
Shoe Brand: can't be picky here since I have big ass feet
Season: spring / fall
Month: May
Holiday/Festival: I am generally indifferent to holidays ... much like Disney movies
Flower: lily, especially tiger lilies and star gazer lilies
Make-Up Item: ALL of it ...
Board game: Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit
This or That
Sunny or rainy: depends on my mood
Chocolate or vanilla: a little of both
Fruit or veggie: both
Night or day: night
Sour or sweet: sweet
Love or money: love
Phone or in person: depends on what the conversation is about ...
Looks or personality: Why can't we go for both? The politically correct answer here is personality ... but honestly I wouldn't be interested in a person who is butt-ass ugly regardless of their personality ... and vice versa hot guys who are dicks do not interest me much either.
Coffee or tea: DIET COKE
Hot or cold: cold ... I sweat too much
Goal for this year: figure out where i am going to be at the end of the year ... pick a new direction for my life and pursue it. find fulfillment. reach my potential. write a book about it all.
Most missed memory: Wouldn't remember ... because it is missed!!! But sometimes I do miss being in college.
Best physical feature: eyes
First thought waking up: 5 more minutes
Hypothetical personality disorder: OCD / very type A
Preferred type of plastic surgery: liposuction ... and soon!
Sesame street alter ego: Oscar the Grouch ... all I need is the trash can!
Fairytale alter ego: mrs. potts in beauty and the beast
Most stupid remark: so many ... can't possibly narrow it down to one!
Worst crime: I plead the 5th.
Greatest ambition: See "Goal for this year" above ...
Greatest fear: being weak / failing at something that is important to me
Darkest secret: not a chance ....
Favorite subject: HISTORY!!!!
Strangest received gift: cookie sheets and cake batter ... I think my sister was trying to tell me something!
Worst habit: procrastination / interrupting people
Do You:
Smoke: sometimes when I drink
Drink: Bud Light
Curse: like a sailor...
Shower daily: yep
Like thunderstorms: yes ... especially if I am in bed
Dance in the rain: I have on occasion ... the last time I can remember was during Tropical Storm Allison when my roommate and friends and I might or might not have run around in the street playing in the rain like idiots in our underwear... then it started flooding and we felt really stupid! .
Sing: badly and off key
Play an instrument: used to ... alto saxophone
Get along with your parents: mostly
Wish on stars: not lately
Believe in fate: absolutely. i think sometimes you don't see the reason for things right away, but i think there is always a higher power at work... and you are led to certain critical points in your life that determine the course of your life.
Believe in love at first sight: positive that it was not love at first sight... since he thought i was a total bitch when we first met, but that second meet there was definitely something there.
Can You:
Drive: yes ... despite the fact that I often hit things on the right hand side ...
Sew: yes ... i used to cross-stitch and make my own Barbie clothes -- I was really talented.
Cook: if I have some directions to follow ... who can't read a recipe???
Speak another language: not fluently ... but I know a little French
Dance: it usually depends on how many drinks I have had, but with the right person, I love to
Sing: badly and off key, but it works for me
Touch your nose with your tongue: no ... what a useless trick ...
Whistle: yes
Curl your tongue: no ... again useless
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: on occasion
Been Stoned/High: ...
Eaten Sushi: yes
Been in Love: yes
Skipped school: yes - both as a student and a teacher - sometimes you just need a day off
Made prank calls: yes
Sent someone a love letter: no
Stolen something: yes
Cried yourself to sleep: yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? so many options ... ignorance, apathy, self-pity
Are you right or left handed? right
What is your bedtime? whenever
Name three things you can't live without: air, food, and water ... other than that I'm pretty sure I could adjust
What is the color of your room? which one?
Do you have any siblings? yes - one brother and one sister - both older
Do you have any pets? yes - a dog and a cat
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? Ummmmm yes if there was absolutely no way I would get caught and if I could find absolution. And there are even some people that I would kill for FREE... like every idiot that drives 50 in the fast lane, people that abuse their kids/animals, and many others... in fact I think I should be paid for some of them because it would be like performing a public service... ?
What is you middle name? Marie
What are you nicknames? Sig
Are you for or against gay marriage? I think that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the legal benefits and protection of marriage. Sexual orientation should not limit one's access to rights others freely enjoy. /td>
What are your thoughts ..ion? Pro-choice
Do you have a crush on anyone? no
Are you afraid of the dark? depends on where I am when it gets dark ... and who I am with ;)
How do you want to die? in my sleep
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? who knows... probably as many as my mom would let me when I was little.
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? probably ... only with my luck it would be on accident :)
What is the last law you’ve broken? Does speeding count?
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: blue
Height taller than me ... so 6.1 and up ... 6.4 or 6.5 is perfect
Weight bigger than me
Most important physical feature: height ... but I like arms/shoulders
Biggest turn-off ignorance
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I'd like to meet:

already met him... we've been married for almost 8 months!!!!

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