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About Me

I would have to say Im a very lucky person. Why? Because I have a SEXY boyfriend who is not only my lover but my best friend.He is a very big influence in my life and I love him so much. We have three BEAUTIFUL girls which mean the world to me.They are my greatest accomplishment.My oldest is smart and talented, my middle is hilarious,and my youngest is well behaved. They are the best kids you could ever meet with their unique personalities. I am an inspiring artist and plan to continue my dream and major in animation. Meanwhile I still continue drawing whatever and whenever I can... because its my passion besides my boyfriend he he he! But I am an all around creative person in everything I do... and I will end it with that.{}
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I wish I could have met 2pac,2nd I would like to meet Eminem and also Tom Cruise, who is my favorite actor.

My Blog

Twilight Convention

To sum up a long day it was ONE of the best experience in my life actually my first convention and what better than it being Twilight. I met Edi (Laurent) who had to fill in for Ashely Greene (Alice) ...
Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 00:51:00 GMT

Love of my life

Love has always been something people dream about having... well my dream came true I have met the love of my life. We talk about what we mean to each other, we like to say our LOVE is the greatest of...
Posted by on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 23:55:00 GMT