helloo.'peterrr.your awesomee ya hear.? iloveyouhhmuchooz.'
ahaha you make my day shinee.' like alltheetime.'[:
yoru soo sweet and adorable and freakkin funny.' your a sweetheart.' ahaha and im 100%happy to know youh .' your tha bestt && you alreadyy know it.'ahahaa.; yess this guy wants to know more ppl.' hes awesomee.; he funn to talk to always there.' a wonderfull friend your luckky to know himm.!hes sooo sweet.' he will always brightenn up your day. he says the sweetest things.' i can count on him weneverr i need a smilee.' hes too cool.'peter wongg is the bestt yessir hes my best frienndd.'we ridee aha ilovehim alot andd ppl dont hurt him or be mean to him hes to nice he doesnt deserve it.'ahahaimdonee.'[: huggs and kisses.'
How to make a Peter
1 part intelligence
1 part crazyiness
1 part ego
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little emotion if desired!"uname"
..type=submit value="How do you make a 'you'?"
Personality cocktail
Peter Wong --
A person who has the ability to be invisible
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.comHAHA can YOU BE INVISIBLE?!?!
What DDR Song Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.