First 7inch (released April,24.08): "Pinky & the Ringfinger" (2 Song, Vinyl 7inch). Limited to 500. As soon as they're gone Single N°2 gets released. Get your copie under:
[email protected]
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxNAME---The name Jane Walton is reminiscent of a long and forgotton B-movie actress from the 50’s. She lost her life in the most spectacular of ways and because of this attained a small-portion-of-fame:---
“It all took place at Edward Bernd’s “world without end†premiere party. The young actress Jane Walton died while going for a joyride in Bernd’s cabriolet. Jane’s extravagant scarf got caught in the spokes of the rear-wheel and she was immediately strangled to dead.
BACKGROUND---Jane Walton was brought together by a monkey. More spezifically by Pablo Schimpanso.
Pablo recgonized the potential of this musical bunch and took them under contract for his vaudeville show “Kabinett des Pablo Schimpansoâ€. Together they traveled the world, performing and celebrating success with many other artists. Until a horrible string of bad luck forced the end of Kabinett des Pablo Schimpanso. Pablo (not one to believe in bad luck) had bet all of the earnings and lost. Convinced he could not possibly loose again, he bet everything he had…his Kabinett … and … he lost. Pablo buried his head in the sand and the rest of his entertainers vanished in all directions. Jane Walton moved to berlin in 2004 and reside in an old once abandond post office.
PRESS (german only)---
... eine dieser Berliner Privatpartys, angeblich nur für Freunde, aber Gott und die Welt sind auch da. Auf einer winzigen Bühne aus Beck's-Kisten steht eine siebenköpfige Westernpunkzigeuner-Band und schrubbt und schwitzt und bläst die Posaune. Der Sänger krächzt: "Letztes Lied." - "Neeeein", schallt es ihm entgegen. "Jane Walton heißen die Spinner", sagt ein Mädchen mit auf dem Kopf getürmten Korkenzieherlocken. An der Wand lehnt der Schlagzeuger der Sterne und sieht traurig aus. Vor der Bühne zappeln sie, hinten kippen sie sich Johnny Walker aus Kunststoffbechern in die Strubbelköppe."--Tagesspiegel Berlin---... und wenn dann Pee und Mikki Walton mit dem Flugzeug aus der Schweiz angeflogen kommen, um mit der ganzen berliner Familie JANE WALTON ihren unbestechlichen Polka-Dance Trash über uns auszuschütten, wird getanzt und geschwitzt auf das sich die Balken biegen…--- Joker/la Bim/Halle---...Dieses 6-köpfige Freak-Ensemble schafft es immer wieder aufs neue mit ihrer kruden Mischung verschiedenster Musikstile, von ihnen selbst als „speedrumpelpolkacountrytrashcircuspunkmusique“ bezeichnet, sein Publikum zu irritieren, begeistern und mitzureissen. Es müsste schon mit unrechten Dingen zugehen wenn da nicht auch wild getanzt wird...---Die Spedition/Bremen---
A Swiss from Zürich (who actually came from the Bündner alps) & a woman from Bremen whit polish blood, meet a primalswiss (from Lucerne). The instrumentation so far: Drums, Accordeon, Trombone & Voice. First attempts are beeing taken under the name of “HARALD†(for whatever reason).
Further musicians are to jump in: A halfindian from the area of Allgäu and an american from San Diego (not Santiago). She operates the Bass, him the Rythm Guitar.
The lot gets completed with a “jack of all tradesâ€(also from Bremen) who sets accents with his Lead Guitar.
“HARALD†gets burned in a nightly drink-orgy, out of his ashes rises:
And now it starts to get realy turbulent: Alredy before the first concert, the “jack of all trades†flees from the hills. An unwasted Beatnik from the french part of Switzerland jumps into the gap and knows how to fill it masterly. First concerts are beeing played. In turn, a love matter lets the singer run into the wide open. he leaves Berlin and returns back to Switzerland. An alleged farewellconcert gets to be the first highlight and the singer henceforth flown in.
The Beatnik leaves & returns & returns & leaves the Band direction Paris. For a couple of concerts the bremian finds himself back on stage. A further call comes from Switzerland (babyscreams) and the Drummer leaves Berlin in favor of his family. And suddenly there stands a born-and-bred “rock’n roller†from Baden Baden (also him a master of his craft), where two people stood before and plays if nothing ever happened. That is the current state of affairs (in the meantime also the Beatnik played with us again) and so we became what we are:
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Jane Walton @ Gleis 13, Basel