Kucuk Bayram Sok. No 7, 34340, Beyoglu.
Yes! We are going to Istanbul. Primo septemeber during the 10.Istanbul Biennale. http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dg52gzg6_1fnk94t
Check some of the participants below.
Latest work:
I went to Abu Dis, to the wall that separates Israel from Palestine, or visa versa, and recorded it from both sides, at the exact same point, with a contact microphone normally used for semi acoustic instruments.
By moving the microphone along the wall it catches the texture of the surface.
Each side had a distinct sound that was very different from the Other.
One side was screaming, yeh almost crying where the other had a far more scrubbing sound. Like an itching and bubbling engine.
I was surprised. I had thought that they would sound the same. Indeed I was wrong.
The colours are generated from a photo I took while I was there.
Just press play and use your perception.
Thank you.
Tanja Schlander
- Emissary
href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank">..
The jutland academy/"
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