Punk in Drublic profile picture

Punk in Drublic

Partially shaded and a little jaded

About Me

I miss being in a band. I breathe as often as I sing. I love snowboarding, going for a drive, New York, Travel and above all music, piano and guitar.I have never thought of what to write in an 'about me'. I love people who will try anything with me. I love doing accents and I'm easily influced by accents around me (and attracted to them)I think that everyone deserves a second chance. Im always smiling. I hate no one, but in the words of peter griffin it 'grinds my gears' when people put change on top of the note. I avoid arrogance and vanity. I love philosophy but i always seek a definitive answer. I think that a sandwich is two slices of bread and that invisicrust is the food of the gods. I love to dance anywhere. Im saving skidiving til last! I think withnail and I is the worst film ever. Im allergic to everything. I love all genres of music and film. I hate pretentious art that requires a meaning or explanation. Im excited by the universe. I will never settle for what ive got if i can do better.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Name: alexandra shore...fielding..er...shore...er???
Birthdate: 16th september 1985
Birthplace: a hospital so shit it got knocked down
Current Location: norwich...Oooargh....get arf moy laaaaand
Eye Color: deep seductive shit brown
Hair Color: blonde (half black at the moment)
Height: 5ft8
Weight: hahahahahahaha...u wish
Piercings: ears! i want my tongue piercing
Tatoos: nah mate i get bored with a transfer
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: joy joy
Overused Phraze: m to the other fucker, back o the net, cashback, spiceworld, we've got a joker 'ere, i'm not gonna lie tya, i'm so unhappy, ah yeh, hold the phone, nah mate, you wish, no stairway...denied, boof
Food: pickles...not really just like the word pickle.MARMITE!!!
Candy: those little foam shrimps i always thought were ears
Number: 8....so curvy...so beautiful
Color: usually blue or red but at the moment...GREEEEEEN
Animal: allergic but i love fish i watch them for hours, so floaty
Drink: RE-LENT-LESS, for the REAL man
Alcohol Drink: Aspall cider-but i dont need alcohol to act craaaaazy
Bagel: on the whole...cinnamon and raisin (lol)
Letter: X , such attitude.....(note - aleX)
Body Part on Opposite sex: Backs or hands....grrrrrrrarghh
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: diet coke with blackcurrant in
McDonalds or BurgerKing: well neither but burger king have those stoooopid machines now so maccy d's
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberrrrrrryys...mmm
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea if im hot...hot tea if im cold....silly billy
Chocolate or Vanilla er...banana? u can't miss off banana u nazi
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: coffee makes me gag
Kiss or Hug: a good hug could bring peace to the world
Dog or Cat: neither allergy demons!!!!!bringers of suffering....kick
Rap or Punk: hmm...punk!! no even a competition
Summer or Winter: winter.....snowboarding!!!!
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: BOTH!!!but not together or that would be kinda sick
Love or Money: all u need is love...in a big house
Bedtime: when i finally turn off family guy or alan partridge
Most Missed Memory: switzerland and the blissful stresslessness of school
Best phyiscal feature: i smile lots...does that count
First Thought Waking Up: where's the snooze button
Goal for this year: Go to Japan
Best Friends: I consider everyone best friends, i don't really have a pecking order but i guess in terms of time spent together Mark, shona, yan, my brothers, mum, heather and jonathan
Weakness: touching my back
Fears: incubus breaking up and dying before going to Japan and sydney and seeing family guy season 6 and 24 season 5
Heritage: my ancestors were celts!!!!oooo
Longest relationship: its not length that counts
Ever Drank: yep
Ever Smoked: nah mate....singer
Pot: 2nd hand...shitloads
Ever been Drunk: yep....love it
Ever been beaten up: er....nope
Ever beaten someone up: once...but self defence
Ever Shoplifted: yep
Ever Skinny Dipped: no but its on my list
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yep
Been Dumped Lately: why would u say that!
Favorite Eye Color: all eyes are beautiful
Favorite Hair Color: don't care....not salmon
Short or Long: too short=chavy, too long=hobo
Height: taller than me...taller girls with shorter guys makes me chortle
Style: not chavy/hooligan but whatever as long as their happy/confident and mark
Looks or Personality: Mark's personality, always happy and will try anything(ooerrr)
Hot or Cute Mark
Drugs and Alcohol: thats not my choice...but ideally no tabacco
Muscular or Really Skinny: not too far either way, like mark
Number of Regrets in the Past: no regrets...they dont work, no regrets now, they only hurt
What country do you want to Visit: JJJJJAAAAAAPPPPAAAANNNNN, and sydney, borneo, africa...everywhere
How do you want to Die: singing
Been to the Mall Lately: yeh...i bought a jigsaw...hel yeh
Do you like Thunderstorms: i love them!!!!
Get along with your Parents: my mums cool
Health Freak: good intention....no disacipline
Do you think your Attractive: I think everyone is attractive when they smile
Believe in Yourself: sometimes i waiver but deep down...completely
Want to go to College: been...arrghh...left
Do you Smoke: nope...i sing
Do you Drink: to get drunk
Shower Daily: mmm...i good shower is like liquid sex!!
Been in Love: Not til now. Ah Yeh!
Do you Sing: absobloodyexactly
Want to get Married: not right now
Do you want Children: shits
Have your future kids names planned out: what do u think i am a girl?
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: ahh i see what ur doing here....cheeky
Hate anyone: just 1 person...for no particular reason

My Interests

Snowboarding, music, singing, dancing, Travelling, acting, piano, guitar, gigging, playing pool, going to gigs, dancing, driving, planning suprises for people, sliding on laminate, sledging and quoting Alan Partridge and Family guy!!!!
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I'd like to meet:

Boof! I've met him! Xtrudel!Chris Moyles, jonathan ross,jack black, steve coogan, Matt Bellamy, Brandon Boyd.....loads of bands really...ohh and that twat who invented the crazy frog.


Such a mission...coming soon


Wayne's World, Demolition man, American Pie, Shrek, Men in Black, Ace Ventura, Sliding doors, The life of Brian, The beverley Hillbillies, Zoolander, Mystery men, Ghostbusters, Home Alone, Mighty Ducks, Spirited away, Terminator, Beetlejuice, Rocky, Adams family, Matrix, pinocchio, Robin hood;men in tights, Team America, Back to the future, Toy Story, Tarantino (pulp fiction, natural born killers, kill bill), Romeo and juliet, silence of the lambs, Armaggedon, Finding Nemo, The lion king, Jay and Silent Bob movies, Dirty Dancing-I know I know, Fools rush in, Any film wth Adam Sandler in it.....50 first dates, The Wedding Singer, HAppy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Waterboy etc etc. Scary movies......oooooooo
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Family guy, Alan Partridge,Futurama, stand up!!,Ali G, Red dwarf, Xena warrior, little britain,A-team, Alias, 24, South Park, Have I got news for you, shooting stars, top gear, room 101, jonathan ross(whap a chap) league of gentlemen, my hero(with the original george), My Family(original cast), Buffy the vampire slayer, one foot in the grave, Fresh prince, will and grace, lost, spongebob squarepants, home improvement, Big Brother(my guilty secret)....although I just tend to watch the music channels
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Da vinci code....read it now!!!!!! and 'curious incident of the dog in the night time' and 'flowers for algernon.'narnia books, hate the film narnia....not that impressed with potter, prefer the films :oO
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Stewie and anyone who can play an instrument well!!!!
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