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snowboarding survey
Snowboard: Gnu street series 152
Bindings: burton missions
Boots: Dc Phase
Pants: ^*^
Jacket: Rome, Burton Ronin
Gloves: Eddie Krueger will kill any handrail
Goggles: Grenade issue
Helmet?: Bern w/ audio
Best trick: switch 270 to front board
Worst Trick: michael Jackson
Favorite trick: Back 3 truck driver
Last trick you learned: switch 3
Favorite park feature: Flat gap down box
Favorite thing(s) to do tricks on outside the park:
Favorite conditions to ride in:
Worst fall:
Worst injury:
Last injury:
Favorite music to ride to: all killer no filler
Favorite snowboard video(s): Happy Hour, Back in Black
Favorite snowboard video game(s): Shaun Palmer, Amped
Favorite pro rider(s): Gigi Ruf, Jeff Anderson, SCOTTY WITTLAKE
Use a leash?: only if the lift lady is a bitch
Stomp pad?: its their but not used
Wax your own board?: its way cheap
How often?: every third day
Tune / Detune your board's edges yourself?: don't touch them
How do you like the edges tuned?: however they start to weardown
Have You Ever...
Earned your turns by hiking?: no
Gone snowboarding during the summer?: Chea
Ridden a resort on its opening day?: nope
Ridden a resort on its closing day?: nope
Entered in a snowboard comp?: fuck standin around
Watched a pro snowboard comp live?: nope
Gotten stuck on a broken lift?: nope
Taught someone else to ride?: fuck that learn yourself
Missed a season or more due to a riding-related injury?: nah and i don't want to
Called in sick so you could go snowboarding?: nope
Slept in your car in a resort parking lot?: want to
Gotten first chair on a powder day?: chea
Gone down a closed section of the mountain?: anything for pow
Gotten your pass pulled?: nope
Split a helmet in half from a crash?: nope
Snapped a board?: nah dude
Jumped a cliff?: chea a nittle one
Fallen off a chairlift?: nope
Jumped off a chairlift?: nope
Built a backyard park?: ya every day there snow
Ridden in the rain all day?: its the best time
Ridden backcountry?: nah
Learned how to use an avalanche transceiver?: nope
Gone trampboarding?: nah
Jibbed street rails / ledges?: soon as there is snow
Gone riding every day of a week?: nope
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