Anything involving the highly complex game of GOLF!,Shooting pool, reading books and the Bible, writing poetry, listening to all kinds of music...even country, cooking, watching movies, adult swim late night, talking bout racial issues, learning about different cultures.
Elvis or Tupac
I like all types of music. I can't stand rap these days (long story). I think music made from the late 60's through the the late 70's is the best it will ever get. Everything after then seems so formulated and marketable.
Apocalypto, The Departed, The Hustler, Casino, Galaxy Quest, Road to Perdition, Sin City, Tombstone, Spiderman 1&2, Pakners, Godfather 1&2, Rounders, Kill Bill vol 1&2, City of God, Old School, Boondock Saints, The Count of MonteCristo, Chasing Amy, Big Trouble in Little China. Bad eighties movies. I've seen so many darn movies I get the actors and actesses messed up. GET 2 DA CHOPPA!!!!!
Not too much TV these days. I've been programmed enough... I usually just pop in a movie.
The entire Driftwar Saga (thanks Jeno), America Is In The Heart, the Autobiography of Malcom X, The Da Vinci Code, Playing off the Rail, Becoming a Chef, On Cooking, Red Sky at Morning, Queen of the Damned, Forest Gump, Harry Potter collection, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, James Morisson biography, Girl,Interuppted, Boondocks collections, The Count of MonteCristo, Othello, Hamlet, Revenge of the Sith.
My parents and my sister.