Single Ladyyy!!! profile picture

Single Ladyyy!!!


About Me

Theres not to much to say about me..Im just JACINTA! Ima fun, loving, nice person that loves to laugh...Im 18 and Loving it...about to graduate in 2 more months...and cant wait...Im excited about my future...IM GROWN AND I HAVE THE NO SYNDROME...NO KIDS....NO DRAMA...AND NO PROBLEMS...I try and make the best out of all experiences that come my way...whether it be GOOD or BAD....I HAVE A LOW TOLERANCE FOR STUPID HOES THAT OBVIOUSLY HAVE NOTHIN ELSE TO DO BUT TRY AND BRING ME DOWN....BUT I AINT GONE LET UP!!! IM TOO STRONG OF A PERSON FOR THAT!! I LOVE MY FRIENDS AND MY FAMILY....ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED 2 KNOW FEEL FREE 2 HOLLA AT ME!! So freakin' cute.

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My Interests

What place would you visit if money were no object?: PARIS
What one person could you meet in the world – alive or dead?: WEEZY
If you could go back to a certain year in time, what year would you choose?: 2005
What immorality do you think is overrated?: .....
Worst habit?: BITING MY NAILS
One thing you could change about yourself?: MY BAD ASS ATTITUDE
Best memory from childhood?: ELEMENTARY
It's the last day on earth, what do you do?: ........
Death Penalty? For or against?: FOR
Guilty pleasure food?: HELL YEAH!
If you could have any job, what wuold it be?: ACTRESS
Do you believe in heaven and hell?: OF COURSE
A & W or Barqs?: What??
Weirdest thing ever eaten?: Ummm....
What was your curfew growing up?: IM GROWN!! NEVER HAD A CURFEW!!
Do you think your parents were too strict growing up?: HELL NO...NOT STRICT ENOUGH
How many friends do you have that you talk to at least once a year?: TWEO...BUT THEY STILL MY BEST BITCHES
Name your 5 movies your bring on an island with you: DATE MOVIE...JASONS LYRIC...
Worst fashion in your closet?: .....
Best feeling?: BEIN ON TOP OF YOUR SHIT!!
How many languages do you speak?: ONE
What's your family like?: WEIRD
Do you read much?: YEAH...BUT NOT ENOUGH
What was the last compliment you received?: HOW MUCH I FUCKIN ROCK!!
Are you rude?: NO
Do you hold grudges?: YEAH
Do you smile a lot?: HELL YEAH
Do you cry a lot?: UMMMM....
What is one thing that annoys you?: MY JOB
What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?: HONESTY
Who is your oldest friend?: NAKIERA
How long have you known them?: 3 LONG ASS YEARS...
Do you like to Kiss?: YEAH
Are you a good Kisser?: ASK YOUR MAN
Do you sleep naked?: HELL NO HAHA
What do you wear to bed?: COME ON WITH THA DUMB ASS QUESTIONS
Whats your wallpaper on your cellphone?: WEEZY FUCKIN BABY!!
Favorite alcoholic drink?: BLOODY MARY
Favorite flower?: JACINTA
If you could buy 5 of the things on your wishlist,what would they be?: ........
An object you can't live without:: MY PHONE
Whats your favourite literary character?: .........
Whats your favorite food?: MAC & CHEESE
What is your favorite restaurant & where is it?: RED LOBSTER
Whats your favorite class in school?: PSYCHOLOGY
Whos your favorite sports player?: VOLLEYBALL
What's your favorite commercial?: HAHAHA THEM FUNNY ASS GEICO COMMERCAILS
What's your favorite store?: CHARLOTTE RUSSE
What name brand do you wear the most?: A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING
What's the most expensive thing you own?: CAR
How many handbags do you own?: 5
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: UMMM.....
What shoes did you wear today?: FORCES
Your first crush?: HAHAHA...NEXT QUESTION...
Are you a member of the mile high club?: The what club??
Could you live without sex?: YEAH
Would you pretend to be someone's bf/gf?: WHAT THE HELL?
Did you ever tell someone you loved them and didn't really mean it?: YEAH....
What’s the longest you’ve ever been single?: 2 YEARS
What has been the longest that you went with out sex?: IMA VIRGIN....
Age you lost your virginity?: DAMN
Was it good?: DAMN
How old was the person you lost your virginity to?:: ........
How long was your longest relationship?: 1 1/2
Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?: NOT REALLY
Do you stay friends with your ex's?: SOME
Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back?: HELL NAW
What would you say if an ex said: SAID..WHAT?
Do you have more male friends or female?: MALE.....FEMALES ARE CHILDISH!!
What are 3 of the first things you notice about the opposite sex:?: TEETH...SHOES....EYES
This or that:
What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur?: NANNY
Would you rather be rich or famous?: RICH
Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?: ALONE
Is the glass half empty or half full?: HALF FULL
Rock, paper, or scissors?: DAT PAPER...I KEEP STACKS
Are you a night owl or early to bed person?: NIHT OWL
Sunrise or sunset?: SUNRISE
Hot or cold?: HOT
Wine or beer?: WINE...WAY 2 CLASSY 4 BEER
Resturant or fast food?: RESTUARANT
Pj's or birthday suit?: BDAY SUIT
Lace or satin?: SATIN
Strawberries n cream or leather n lace?: STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM
Tied up or tie them up?: TIED UP
Country or city?: CITY
Ocean or pool?: POOL
Hug or kiss?: KISS
Conservative or wild party animal ?: HAHAHA I PARTY LIKE A FUCKIN ROCKSTAR!!
Buttered, plain, or salted popcorn ?: BUTTERED
Chocolate or Flowers ?: FLOWERS
Spring or fall?: SPRING
Pancakes or french toast?: F TOAST
Have you ever:
Have you ever made out with just a friend?: NO
Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?: HELL NO
Have you ever broke someone's heart?: YEAH...BUT NOT ON PURPOSE
Have you ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: HELL NO....
Have you ever flown in a plane?: YEAH
Have you ever been to a casino?: NO
Been to Canada?: NO
Been to Mexico?: NO
Been to the other side of the world?: YEAH
Been to jail?: NO
Have you ever fired a gun?: HELL NO
Have you ever hitchhiked?: HELL NO
Ever done: DONE...WHAT?
Have you ever belonged to a gang?: NO
Ever picked up a hitch hiker?: NO
Have you ever ridden a horse?: YEAH
Have you ever fed a cow?: NO
Have you ever done graffiti?: NO
Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?: HELL NO....CRACKHEAD STATUS
Have you ever climbed up a tree?: HELL YEAH..
Ever had surgery?: YEAH..
Had sex with 2 different people in the same day?: NO...THATS HOE STATUS
Speak your mind about anything?: SOMETHINGS ARE BETTER LEFT UNSAID
Ever worn PJs to school/work?: NO
Touched a snake?: YEAH...
Caught a fish, & ate it?: NO...
Broken a bone?: YEAH...SOMEBODY ELSES
Been told you were hot by a complete stranger?: HELL YEAH
Finish the sentence:
My ex...: IS A LOSER!!!
When I wake up in the morning...: I GET ON MY KNEES AND PRAY!!
Tomorrow...: IS NOT PROMISED TODAY....
I have low tolerance..: FOR DUMB CHAP ASS HOES
Parties are...: FUN!!
My past is…: MY PAST...
Do you read the newspaper?: NO
Do you think tattoos are cool?: YEAH
Do you like being on time?: YEAH...BUT I NEVER AM
Do you collect anything?: NO
For girls* Does size below matter?: WELL...DUH!!!
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/ev: .....
Would you try to take over the world?: NO...
How is the single life for you?: GREAT!!! U DONT HAVE 2 WORRY ABOUT THA DRAMA
Who’s the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone?: PORSHA DUMB ASS
The last place you went to on a plane?: NEW YORK
Do you cry at weddings?: NO
Are you nice to everyone no matter what their age, race or gender?: YEAH
Do you go hunting (deer, duck, etc.)?: NO
Do you know the lyrics to more than 50 songs?: PROBABLY
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: YEAH
How many pillows do you sleep with?: TWO
How many times have you been dumped?: NONE
How many times have you dumped someone?: 1234567891011213......
What country in the entire world would you most like to visit?: FRANCE
What did the last text message you received say?: BUSINESS
Do you own an iPod?: NO
When did you last attend a party?: TWO WEEKS AGO
When is the next one?: THIS WEEKEND...CANT WAIT!!
Can you sing the National Anthem all the way through?: HELL YEAH
What is the last movie you saw?: SOME LIFETIME MOVIE
How many times are your ears pierced?:: 4
Would you kill someone if you had to?: UMMMMM......YEAH MAYBE
Who's the one person you call when life just sucks that day?: JESUS
What the most romantic night you've ever had?: ME AND MY BABY JUST CHILLIN
Do you return calls when you say you will?: SOMETIMES...DEPENDING ON THA PERSON
Do you take advice when it's given?: YEAH
Do you have anything on your mind right now?: YEAH...ALOT!!!
If you could be doing anything right now what would it be?: STUDYING!!!
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I'd like to meet:

Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: If You Gone Do Tha Shh Do It Big Den-Webbie
Waking up: Get Up-Ciara LOL
Average day: 3 am-Jeezy
First date: You Should Be My Girl-Sammie
Falling in love: Complicated-Nivea
Love scene: Promise-Ciara
Fight scene: Knuck If You Buck-Crime Mob
Breaking up: Say Goodbye-Chris Brown
Getting back together: Let's Stay Together-Lyfe
Secret love: Creep-TLC
Life's okay: Exciting-Boosie
Mental breakdown: Hell No-Monica
Driving: Zoom-Boosie
Learning a lesson: Irreplacable-Beyonce'
Deep thought: Obvious by LeToya
Flashback: Dont Forget About Us-Mariah Carey
Partying: Shootout-Souljah Boy
Happy dance: Heizman-DHB
Regreting: Gonna Tell Everybody-Christina Milan
Long night alone: Aaliyah-I Dont Wana
Death scene: Damn I miss my Dawg-Weezy
Closing credits: Make It Rain-Weezy
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unique, not lame...
you aren't...: tha chick everybody thinks i am when they see me
life isn't...: a everyday like its your never know when your time is gone come!!
one favorite thing...: is getting drunk lol
your best memory of teenage years...: Getting into all that drama with my friends
when you were younger...: ..........
love isn't...: all its cracked up too be....
but, love is...: something everybody goes through at some point in their learn from the experiences you go through while your in love
my favorite place is...: CHURCH!!! and my room
i never said thank you for...: being the good friend you are
sunsets make me think of...: beauty
my childhood was...: tha fuckin shit!!! i got everything i wanted!!
if I could go back, I'd...: change NOTHIN!!! Life is way to short 4 regrets...i learn from my past mistakes and am smart enough not to make them twice!!
the past is just...: something to look back and laugh at...all the memories you have and all the things you did that you can never go back 2 and change
my favorite pasttime is...: chillin with my girls or my boyfriend
starting again, I'd like to say...: im GROWN!!! and dont have time to play with nobody elses chaps!!
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Whats The Name? Jacinta
When Is Ur Birthday? Nov 3
School? Harry Potter Harding
Your Bestfriends? Damn 2 many 2 Name
Favorite Song? I Keep It Gangsta And They Love that Shit: Jeezy
Favorite Shoe? Forces
Do You Work? Hell Yeah
What Service Is Ur Phone with? Sprint....I Love Tha Phone...But Hate Tha Service
Want Kids? Yeah....One Day
Are You In A Relatonship? I dont know what to call this SHIT!!
Are You In Love? Man...I Question That At Times!!
What Kind Of Car You Drive? RAV
Ever Was In An Abusive Relationship? .........
Ever Had Someone Want To Fight You Over Ur Man? Chal........
Define Love? There aint no real definition
People You Hate? Is there any word stronger than HATE??
Do Alot Of People Dislike You? Hell yeah.....But I dont give a FUCK!!
Favorite Drink? Pepsi
Favorite Snack? Take 5
Last Person To Get On Ur Nerves? T
Last Person To Say They Miss You? T
Last Person You Said You Loved? T
Are You Opinionated? Sometimes
Gold Or Silver? Diamonds honey...
Last Time You Been To The Mall? Saturday
Last Person You Got In An Argument With? Damnit...Tavaris!!
Favorite Thing To Do? PARTY!!
Ever Hated Someone So Much..You Wanted Them Dead? Nah its not that serious!!!


List 20 friends in random order:
1. Nakiera
2. Yanna
3. Courtney
4. Brittney W.
5. Brittney M.
6. LayLay
7. Chasity
8. Jeremy B.
9. Trenise
10. Jay Jay
11. Talisha
12. Akeah
13. Charday
14. San
15. Quanni
16. Tiffany
17. Tyler
18. CJ
19. Whitney
20. Korey
Now answer the following:
how did you meet 13? School
what would you do if you never met 5? I would live life knoin that sumbody special wasnt in my life
have you ever liked 3? HELL NO!!
what do you honestly think of 10? He is a very funny and cool person!! dats my nigga!!
would or did 19 and 8 go out? NAH
if 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing you would need him/her to know? dat i love her!!!
would 2 and 11 make a good couple? THEY BOTH GIRLS!!!
describe 6 in three words: FUNNY CRUNK AND CRAZY!!!
do you think 12 is beautiful? YEA (NO HOMO) in

My Blog


PHONY ASS BITCHES....let me explain to everybody what phony is.....  pho·ny  /'fo?ni/ Pronunciation Key adjective 1. not real or genuine; fake; counterfeit: a phony diamond. ...
Posted by 2 Grown 4 Tha Childishness..Get Wit It Or Get Lost on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 12:31:00 PST