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Kimya Dawson.Lauryn Hill.Kings of Convenience.Sigur Rós.Daniel Benjamin.Mogwai.Sufjan Stevens.Yo La Tengo.Godspeed You! Black Emperor.Leaving Spain.September Leaves.Jim Orourke.Belle&Sebastian.Danielson (and famile), The... Shins,Streets,Cure.Debussy.Bonnie Prince Billy.Art Brut.Yann Thiersen.Bach.Coldpay.Blur.Rage Against The Machine.Cinematic Orchestra.Andrew Bird.Eric Satie.Joni Mitchell.Aimee Mann.Aretha Franklin[...]
Paul und Paula.Juno.American Splendour.Be Kind Rewind.A Series of unfortunate Events.Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter.Little Miss Sunshine.Brassed Off.Marie Antoinette.Magnolia.Big Fish.Finding Neverland.Beautiful Mind.Bridget Jones.Love Actually.Hook.Das Leben der anderen.Alice doesn't live here anymore.Walk the Line.Spiderman.Batman.Indiana Jones.Zurück in die Zukunft.
Navy CIS; 24 (Don't you tell me what's gonna happen in season III!)
Too many. Well, let's give it a try. Here are the recent ones: "The Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro, "Jakob der Lügner" by Jurek Becker, "Villette" by Charlotte Bronté, "Our Cancer Year" by Harvey Pecar and his wife Joy, "The Mill On the Floss" by George Elliot, PONS Kompaktwörterbuch Deutsch-Englisch Englisch-Deutsch.
Andromeda Veal. President Palmer. Maggie Tulliver.