Deanna and her well-being are my 2 most important interests. If not for having Deanna in my life, I would be miserable.
Cars: all sorts of cars and trucks. I like some, despise others, but all in all, I do enjoy them.
Video games: I've been a Playstation fan from the beginning. Played Halo 2 in North Carolina for about a month on the Xbox, and Halo 3 for a couple months STRAIGHT here with my brother on the 360, but I stay tried and true to the black box of power. Regardless of its lack of titles, I know it will, in time, be a force to be reckoned with.
I have met all the people in this world that up to this point, were necessary for my life to turn out the way it is. Who I meet in the future is not determined by myself, so I need not wish for such things.
I enjoy music. If I were so inclined, I would like to be a drummer or a bassist. Just don't give me the microphone if you enjoy the gift of hearing.
Too many good ones to list, even more shitty ones that will never be worth mentioning.
Honestly, I pay for this DVR thing...for high definition NASCAR. If the TV is on, usually it's a video game. I got a PS3. My brother has an XBox, XBox 360, PS2, a Gamecube, and an N64. We don't need TV. Maybe I should get cable shut off. I love my NASCAR in hi def though. Fucking SWEET!
Not really a reader until Deanna put the Harry Potter series in motion before my eyes. Honestly, they are really good. Spectacular even. I just hope when I sit down and start writing again, that my first work becomes an international masterpiece, as did the 7 horcruxes of J.K. Rowling. In case you don't get my meaning, in the book, Lord Voldemort split his soul into 7 pieces, or horcruxes, so he would, in essence, live forever. With the 7 books J.K. wrote, she will undoubtedly live forever in the pages of her works. That is why I consider her books her 7 horcruxes.
I don't believe in heroes. If I could fly and do all the crazy ass shit the comic book guys do, I'd still be Johnny. I would still want to be with my baby, drive around, and hang out with friends. I don't know why people idolize others. For real. Everybody is human. All people shit and piss just like the rest of the population. If I can't live life without worrying about what someone else did in the past or present, then it's not a life worth living. Yes people need to be kind and thoughtful, especially to family and friends, but life is about yourself. If a person doesn't take care of him or herself, the family and friends aren't going to be there.