colin_in_sick profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Everything you need to know about me in one handy text box:I'm not like other people. I'm a nerd, a goth, a redneck, rocker, a wuss, a bully, a creep, a warmonger, a fascist, a snob, a pariah, a moralist, a perfectionist, a slacker, and an all-around drunken jackass. Past that, try not to make too many assumptions. I promise most of them will be wrong. I'm not into sports, and that probably sums me up about as well as any single characteristic can.If you want to know more about me, read that other stuff to your left, or just take 30 seconds out of your busy life to send me a message. I'll tell you anything you want to know, even (especially?) if it's not what you want to hear. Don't look at my blog at any cost. "This is not for your eyes."86%

Looking for a lackluster buttfucking? ?

My Interests

I like movies, music, games, pets, toys, cartoons, Cheetos, meat, meat by-products, fierce devotion, fire, brainteasers, harsh weather, porn, cleaning, courtesy, boots, honesty, the end of the world, justice, putting all of my eggs into one basket, sunburns, napping, the truth, sandwiches, dykes with a sense of humor, reorganizing my closet, drinking, smoking, bitching about stuff.

I'd like to meet:

Like-minded people up for some HARD-CORE conversation and EXTREME messaging. I prefer the company of women...but hey, it's the internet. You could always just pretend. I'd really just like some interesting people to chat with, but if you're into stalking, that's cool too.


Phil Collins fucking sucks ass.


I'm sort of a horror geek, but I like GOOD movies--and a few really bad ones--from just about any genre. Dark comedies are among my favorites. I take movies very seriously....unless they suck. I hate theaters, but I love popcorn (or Cheetos), darkness, and surround sound. Giving away the end of a movie is my biggest pet peeve ever. I'm a harsh critic, and it takes a lot for a movie to impress me, but that's what makes the good ones worth it.


I LOVE TV's. My video games and movies wouldn't work very well without them. I don't actually watch much television programming on a regular basis. I enjoy South Park, and a few other cable shows, but usually the TV just stays on to break up the silence.


In the immortal words of Dr. Egon Spengler: "Print is dead."Books aren't much of a priority, but I read a few magazines regularly, and I'll occasionally start a pulp sci-fi/horror smut paperback when the power goes out or when I'm grilling myself by the pool. I like Shakespeare and Mark Twain, but I'm not going to lie and say I read the classics just to try to convince people I'm "cultured" or "intellectual." Both of my parents have always read voraciously, and I've always had a rebellious nature, so maybe that explains it. I have a list of books I'd like to read eventually, but....there are just a lot of things I'd rather do at any given time.


Spider-Man, Ozzy, Paul McCartney, Larry Flynt, Robo-Cop, Mad Max, George Carlin, Cactus Jack, Herbert West, Ron Popeil, Stan Marsh's dad, Doc Holliday, David Lynch, Ben Stein, Leatherface, Weird Al Yankovic, Howard Hughes, Rupert Murdoch, Don King, Richard Nixon, etc.

My Blog

The Ultimate Fighting Championship

This is a transcription of my interview with Joe Rogan following my UFC debut.   JR: Like&dude, I gotta axe [sic] you some questions about the fight. I guess it didn't go like you expected. CR:...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 04:28:00 PST

How to be a house DJ

We've all been there.  We've all found ourselves at an otherwise enjoyable party that was rendered lame by sucktastic music.  It's a shame.  It shouldn't be so common.&nb...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 04:16:00 PST

God, I hate remakes

I'm bored, and I felt like typing something. This will be an extensive rant about a specific (relatively obscure) video game. If you're not interested, don't read it. For you youngsters who aren't fam...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:25:00 PST


It's always exciting when a new drug starts to work its way into the mainstream.  While the craze is still legal in most places, the journalists visibly cream when they tell us "just ho...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:50:00 PST

A Dream I Had

My dog found a playmate and somehow brought it into the fenced-in back yard. The new dog was small and extremely scrawny--apparantly a mix of Blue Heeler and Chinese Crested.  Very hungry and ver...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:08:00 PST

The Writers Strike

A forum member commented on the current situation of television programming, and after a few posts, I ended up with this rambling mess than I didn't even post in the original forum. [previous pos...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 10:07:00 PST

You take the deer, Ill take the zombies

All of this recent camping talk (and actual camping) has had me thinking about....well, camping stuff. I happen to work at a job that provides me with ample free time AND an abundant supply of magazin...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 05:00:00 PST

Freedom of Douchebaggery

As you may have heard, several states are enacting or considering enacting public bans on "saggy pants." I personally think it's a FANTASTIC idea. I personally have no problem with the establishment d...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 03:55:00 PST

Yes, I do take the fun out of everything.

"Question 871. Would you be a pirate?" This question wasn't too terribly retarded the first time I read it, but after coming across it in at least twenty MySpace "surveys" (and I don't look at that m...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 10:51:00 PST

Science is FUN!

The Hubble space telescope doesn't just enlarge tiny images from a tremendous distance. It sees through time. Large spans of space are measured in lightyears, the DISTANCE light travels in a given uni...
Posted by colin_in_sick on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 07:35:00 PST