King James profile picture

King James

I aint scared of ya', ain't never been scared of ya', if anytihng im scared for ya', cause im so ahe

About Me

The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life by el_tino
* So basically.. *
Name?: Jarvis James
Age?: 17
Sex?: Male
Birth Date?: November 11th
Hair Color?: good and black
Eye Color?: Brown
Height?: 5'10ish"
Weight?: 175 lbs. and still gaining
Body Type?: All muscle no fat
Piercings?: nope
Tattoos?: nope
What are you wearing right now?: NOTHING!!!!!
What is your hairstyle at the moment?: Regular Haircut
* Favorites *
Soda?: Sometimes Pepsi, Most of the time Dr. Pepper
Food?: Pizza on deck
Drinks?: didn't you just ask that?
Alcoholic drink?: Grey Goose Vodka or Hennessy.... Just Kidding!!! Maybe!
Time of day?: Night
Season?: Spring and Fall
Day of the week?: Friday
Song at the moment?: Andre 3000, any song on The Love Below
Band/artist?: Outkast or Kanye
Book?: The Concrete Rose
Subject in school?: English
Place in the USA?: Florida
Place outside the USA?: Who?
Color?: Red
Style of clothes?: As Long as Im Clean, it really don't matter
Store?: Best Buy
Mall?: Discover Mills
City?: Atlanta
Website?: Myspace
Magazine?: Ebony or VIBE
Kind of pet?: DOG!!!!!
* Worst *
Place to be?: At Home!!!! Home Is Where The Hate Is
Class in school?: Spanish!!!! FUCK MS. DEAN
Time of day?: Mourning
Season?: Winter and Summer
Kind of pet?: Fucking Turtle
Drink?: Root Beer
Food?: Cinnamon Rolls
Mall?: I don't there is one
Store?: Old Navy
Style of clothes?: Shit Iono
Celebrity?: What that cats name? ummmmmm........ Dee's!!!! haha
Color?: Purple
Book?: Iono
Type of music?: You Sick, I Love All Music
Website?: Porn Sites, hahaha
Magazine?: ?
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: 6:30
What is your first thought?: "What am I gon where?"
What do you do first?: Take a shower
What is your usual outfit?: collared shirt, Gerbauds, and Nikes
What is your first class of the day?: Spanish, FUCK MS. DEAN
When does school end?: 3:28 on the dot
Do you see your friends?: Yeah
What do you do when you get home?: Homework
What time do you go to bed?: 12:00 or 1:00
* Do you... *
Brush your teeth daily?: haha!!! YEAH!!!
Brush your hair daily?: Got to
Shower daily?: UMMM!!! YEAH
Sing?: NOT REALLY, I Rap though
Dance?: I really don't know how to dance
Party?: Not Really
Get drunk?: ?
Have sex?: hahahahahaha, what chu think?
Read books?: every now and then
Listen to music a lot?: Music's my Life!!! M.O.B. - Music Over Bitches!!!
Read magazines?: Yeah
Go online a lot?: Yeah
Have a religion?: Christian
Have an iPod?: Nope
Want an iPod?: Nope
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Define Girlfriend
Play an instrument?: Piano
Get sick a lot?: Not Really
Watch TV?: Yeah
Like MTV?: Yeah
Like VH1?: Yeah
Like the History Channel?: Yeah
Have digital cable?: Yeah
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: 9000 and something. That's Dish For Ya'
Listen to the radio?: Yeah
Still use your CD player?: Nope
Stalk people?: They Stalk Me
Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: Not Yet
Have dial-up internet?: DSL
Have AOL?: I'm about to
Know HTML?: Like The Back of My Hand
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: ?
Do well in honors classes?: ?
* Music *
Do you listen to rap?: Everyday
R & B?: Everyday
Blues and/or Jazz?: Everyday
Classical?: Everyday
Pop?: Everyday
Country?: Sometimes
Emo/Screamo?: No
Heavy Metal?: Sometimes
Christian?: Everyday
Techno?: Every now and then
Reggae?: Sometimes
Broadway Musical Songs?: Smetimes
Oldies?: Hell Yeah, Everyday
* In a boyfriend/girlfriend *
Hair color?: Black or Brown
Eye color?: Hazel or Brown
Tattoos?: Not really
Piercings?: Two earings is what i'd prefer
Favorite Music?: Rap
Style of clothing?: Formal
Body type?: Coke bottle body. You know something well proportioned to her body, you know a nice little tale.
Personality or looks?: Somebody Not to fast and Not to slow
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: No
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: What Is That?
Does size matter?: huh?
Do they have to be popular?: no, not really
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: doesn't matter
Where do you go on the first date?: Somewhere Nice and quiet, so that we could talk
Kiss on the first date?: naw
Sex on the first date?: naw
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: I guess
Are you eating something?: Naw but I'm Hungry
Are you drinking something?: nope but im thirsty
Are you IMing anyone?: no
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: no
Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: no
What are you listening to?: Andre 3000-Chronomentrophobia
What are you watching on TV?: Eddie
What other websites do you have open?: None
* What do you believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: I am a Ghost
The afterlife?: Yeah
Aliens?: Im Looking at one
God?: Yeah
The devil?: Yeah
Heaven?: Yeah
Hell?: Yeah
Scientology?: Yeah
Hinduism?: ?
Buddhism?: ?
Christianity?: Yep
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