the future, colors, shapes, textures, acrylics, chairs, string theory, space, open-plan-post-and-beam-floor-to-ceiling-windows architecture, textiles, hand-stitching, thread . . .
the tough alliance "1981"
along with Blake Edwards, Wes Anderson, PT Anderson, Todd Haynes, Todd Solondz, Jean-Luc Godard, Federico Fellini, Charlie Kauffman and Sofia Coppola
twin peaks, arrested development, conan o'brien, six feet under, battlestar galactica, seinfeld, strangers with candy, lost, the simpsons, family guy, the office, 30 rock
james joyce, hermann hesse, the elegant universe, the third monkey, rene descartes, bertrand russel, mark strand, w.s. merwyn, raymond chandler, phillip k. dick, ken kesey, banana yoshimoto, j.r.r. tolkein, the new yorker, dwell, print, communication arts
(credits: my love , my macca , my architect , my blade runner , my id , my phillip marlowe )