OhSee profile picture



About Me

Ever since I can remember, I've always had a mania for drawing the shapes of things. I'm 25 now and have created a universe of designs. I consider myself an artist inspired by nature and personal experiences. I believe strongly in the importance of creative thinking, and enjoy making art through various mediums. I'm a perfectionist and tend to convey this through art. I have a keen and creative mind. My most current pieces are digital, but every now and then I like to sharpen up my drawing and painting skills. I wish I had more time for that though. I'm a simple man, beans and rice type a guy, humble at heart and shy at times. I consider my cup of life half full and can make the best out of any situation. I look for qualities in a person always first and leave the flaws for haters to identify. My existence is based on enjoying every day to the fullest, being as nice as possible to people from all walks of life, respecting all life, and always trying to put myself in other's shoes before passing judgement. I enjoy art, graphic design, snowboarding, dancing, soccer, football, cooking, building, networking and last but not least, spending time with all those I hold dear to me. I am Oh-See, welcome to my space.
Some of my most recent sketches... ..
Myspace Layout Generator by TheMyspaceLayout.com

My Interests

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I'm a visionary, graphic designer at best. I like creating things. Here are a few pieces I've created recently.

Prismacolor Markers and Pencils Rock!!

"Cinequest Film Festival"

Heineken Ad
-All Vector

Dedicated to David and Vidda
-marker and color pencil

I'd like to meet:

