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Vote or Die

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Penelope Cruz, Angelina Jolie, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Brady, Paris Hilton, Drew Bledsoe


Justin Timberlake, Rob Thomas, Jason Mraz, John Mayer, and super lame pop music, such as: Paris Hilton, Britney, Beyonce and oh yeah Justin Timberlake again!


Recently: I wish I had more time to watch movies. There are so many that came out since Dakota was born that I would love to see! Movies that I love: Spiderman, Pirates of the Carribean, Blood Diamond, Borat, The Departed. All time favs: Farenheit 911, Monsters Inc, Home Alone, Clueless, Office Space, Oceans 11, The Italian Job, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Seven, Hotel Rwanda, American Pie, Rounders


Girls Next Door, Medium, Real World, Survivor, Top Chef, Workout, Sara Silverman, The Office, Greys Anatomy


Anything by John Grisham, Steven King, Dean Koontz, Shakespeare, H.G. Wells, Poe, Ibson


MLK Jr. All of the female suffrage activists (especially Emmeline Pankhurst who my daughter is named after, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Alice Walker & Susan B. Anthony), Dennis Kucinich (the most honest politician in Congress), Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Tammy Baldwin & Paris Hilton (she doesn't really fit with the rest but I do love her).

My Blog

The Patriots

I've never written a blog before so I decided I would write about something that really bothers me and that is very important... Football.  Specifically, how the best football team in the history...
Posted by Nichole on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 07:28:00 PST