Create your own Friend Quiz herewhich devil may cry 3 character are you??
you are a demon that will cry for the loved ones
Take this test What kind of Dragon are you?White Dragon
You are majestic and elegant. You might not pick up on things right away and maybe you can be alittle slow, but no matter what you are a beautiful person, inside and out.You are a very calm person and tend to be kind and friendly.
Take this testWhich Simpons Charecter are you?Bart
You are Bart! You are best known for your rebellious ways and your rude butt gestures. Although sometimes you are a very nice person, mostly you just like to annoy people. You love to watch cartoons and eat food. good on you! :)
Take this testWhat band are you?Tool
You think deeper than the average listener. You always want to push the envelope and watch it bend, never conforming to the standards of society.
Take this testPoker Superstars III