About me huh?!? Well I'm thirty years old (foot in the grave style)! I'm married to my best friend. We have no children, but treat Cat, Dog and Fish as if they were the kids! I'm a happy person; I'm pretty certain most people who really know me see me as goofy or silly. I can be mean though; I've got my father's very short fuse when it comes to my temper, but I'm also very quick to get over things. In fact, Eric usually just laughs at me when I get mad. He seems to think it is cute. Arg! I have about 6 moods swings per day. I will fight you for what I believe in and will probably think you are a moron if you don't agree with me..ha! Did I mention that I am stubborn also?!?!I love my friends and would do anything in the world for them. I absolutely love my job.. most people can't say that so I'm lucky! Summer is my favorite season and I can't stand the winter. I love to travel and see new places, but no matter what country I am in or what crazy little island I might be on.. I assure you I will hunt down a Wendy's cause I'm not eating the local cuisine! I'm not very girly unless it comes to spiders. I don't like to shop so much and I HATE talking on the phone.. but if a spider comes near me I will scream and cover it with something so boy can kill it when he gets home. I call my husband "boy". He calls me "wife".My parents are two of my very best friends in the world. I'm a Daddy's Girl for sure, but also a Momma's Girl! That comes from being an only child, I'm sure!My goal is to live this life to the fullest.. and while I don't usually do that, I am trying! I thank God for every single day-- because it is all so beautiful! I couldn't have asked for a better life, better family or better friends. I'm truly blessed!