Michelle profile picture


nothings perfect but who likes it that way

About Me

i hvae big brown eyes my friends are funn ppl to be with and dont know were i would be with out them...same goes for my family i think being open and close with your family is important i believe in fate and destiny adn im not one for having regrets..there worthles you only learn from your mistakes and even the best make them when im older i want to travel and see the rest of the world eyes are one of the most amazingest things to me everyone is differnent and beautiful in its own way you can tell a lot just by looking a person in the eyes i also have trust issues and dont really trust new ppl until after a while and those i trust im glad i can concerts are very funn to go to so is my up state house i can be a big flirt witout realizing it but hey that happens with everyone my friends including me can be very spaztic at times(fallin up the stairs) my friends liek to make fun of me for many things adn ill make funn of them too...its a love hate relationship we have we also talk about the most stupidest things too and everyone has to work for what they want and if yo uwould liek to fnd out more about me jsut write me
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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My Interests

goin to concerts hangin out with friends meeting new ppl and anything else that normal peopel tend to do...ha i wonder how tht one works(no ones normal)

I'd like to meet:

Chris Crabadoodoo Brad Pitt John Travolta Colin Farril and all the cool down to earth people out there
Mis forMystical
Iis forIntense
Cis forComplicated
His forHelpful
Eis forExcellent
Lis forLuscious
Lis forLogical
Eis forEdgy What Does Your Name Mean?


diffuser,jack johnson,mxpx,the offspring,reel big fish,spring heeled jack,ted leo & the pharmacists,the wallflowers,weezer, and just about everything thats good


Troy Grease The Punisher A Cinderella Story Fight Club The Princess Bride The Incredibles Finding Nemo Thirteen...an many many more


i watch The O.C. because im a dork and like it lol


nothins better than a good book


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